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    Peak ATP

    If you are looking for extra energy, why didn't you just go with ephedrine/caffeine? Can't go wrong with that.
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    Just ignore him, addy.
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    Where Are You Getting Your Carbs?

    Right now I am getting in excess of 500g of carbs per day. I think you are assuming that this is harder than it is. I eat about 4 times a day, plus my pre and post WO shakes and it isn't hard at all. And last time I checked an average potato has approx. 30-40 g of there is no way...
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    Building side delts.. any alternatives?

    I added in wide grip upright rows in my last cycle and I loved them. I hadn't done that movement in a long time, and it seemed to hit my shoulders really well.
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    HST and Steroids

    If you are simply wanting to learn more about AAS, i suggest you spend some time researching over at There are some really knowledgable bros over there, but as a warning, you are not allowed to post until you are at least 21.
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    What?? :confused:
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    Routine for my wife

    The bottom line is she can do squats, lunges, abductor exercises, etc. til the cows come home, but she will need to do more cardio or create more calorie deficit to burn the fat off. Everyone has their stubborn area, and it is always the last to go and the hardest to rid your self of.
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    HST and Steroids

    You should definitely wait a couple of years before you start thinking about AAS.
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    HST and Steroids

    Firstly, how old are you?
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    superdrol - any experiences???

    There was another Superdrol topic started about 5 days ago. Try a search....
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    Add very little fat during bulking

    dude, don't ask questions like this and then bitch about the answers you get. If you would take the time to read the FAQ it will answer any question you have about a proper bulk. Maybe you should do a little research for yourself, instead of asking questions like this which only frustrate people...
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    Cardio during Strategic Deconditioning period?

    If you are cutting you should not be SDing anyways.... There is an entire thread dedicated to the implementation of cardio all throughout the HST cycle, SD included. You should try reading that first.
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    Too weak to do biceps

    I have done complete cycles without any direct arm work and my arms still grew. Actually, if you are incorporating the correct compound movements in your routine, it is not too out of the box to consider any extra arm training superfluous.
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    Routine Suggestion

    By the way, sorry to hijack this thread that was addresed to other bros.... I just figured that you guys were off reading studies or dictionaries or whatever you experts are doing these days.... :)
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    Routine Suggestion

    I would be willing to bet that if you made no other alteration to your current diet other than adding in pre and post WO nutrition, you would make great gains. Of course that is assuming that you have been making solid gains with your current diet. You don't have to eat 6 meals a day. You...
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    Routine Suggestion

    If you are investing this much time and thought into your training, why can't you committ to a good diet? To be quite honest, HST can bring about some remarkable results, but you really shouldn't expect much if you aren't keeping an eye on nutrition.
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    Eat fat in one meal or over several?

    hahaha can you explain why you think there is some kind of "magic" in combining certain nutrients? Maybe something you read in FLEX magazine?? It all stemmed from the idea that conuming fat while your insulin has been raised from carbs, "somehow" would mean that more fat...
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    going to try twice a day - 3 times a week

    Two words of advice... 1) Do the 15's. They can never hurt but always help. Especially if you are relatively new to lifting. 2) Eat more if you start 2 a days.
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    2nd Cycle : Few simple problems need fixing.

    Zig-zag is not necessarily a bad thing. But bottom line, do what ever you feel most comfortable with. You can repeat weights more often if it would make you feel better.
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    Eat fat in one meal or over several?

    Dude. The whole thing about combining proten, fat, and carbs at different times is complete and total crap. Just make sure you get the calories in and don't worry about things so much.