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  1. R

    Don't try this at home

    OK. Cows have multiple stomachs and one of them contains bacteria that convert O3s to CLA. Humans cannot support this bacteria in theirstomach because of the acidity. Now we have a useless 2nd stomach call an appendix. Couldn't you just inject some of this bacteria into the appendix and start...
  2. R

    Omega 3s in bread

    I've been seeing a lot of advertisements for breads with added Omega 3s. Now I though that Omega 3s don't like high temperatures and that bread is usually cooked at high temperatures. I assume that they would add the O3s into the bread before it is cooked. Are the O3s in bread any good ? Rainier.
  3. R

    Long chain omega 3s

    I saw an advertisement on TV for a butter that had long chain omega 3s. I was wondering, Is there really such a thing ? I always thought that the 3 in Omega 3, was the length of the chain, making all Omega 3s the same length. Am I missing something ? Rainier.
  4. R

    Who useful is creatine when cutting up ?

    I imagine that it might be helpful to do high rep work. During a cuttingphase I imagine that muscle can get depleted of glycogen quite easily. Is creatine useless under this scenario ? Rainier.
  5. R

    I have the answer !

    Use a fork to stir your protein. Rainier
  6. R

    How much is too much caffeine?

    How much is too much caffeine? Why is it too much? What happens? Rainier.
  7. R

    Ionized WPI

    The product I was looking at was Musashi Ionized WPI. The website doesn't make any claims to why this is better than other wheys. I notice than many companies sell ionized whey ad in all cases it is more expensive than regular whey. I...
  8. R

    Ionized WPI

    Is ionised Whey any better than regular whey. Why ? Rainier.
  9. R

    Where are you from?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Adelaide, Australia. It's a pretty small city. If I sneeze too hard somebody in the next city will be wiping their face! <span id='postcolor'> Some people say that if...
  10. R

    How pronounced are the effects of CLA

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">THe CLA must be incorporated into fat cells. Unfortunately, the CLA is preferentially burn as it enters the liver. SO you have to take enough to not only let the liver...
  11. R

    How pronounced are the effects of CLA

    Do you need to just smell the capsules to get shredded overnight, or do you need to take 50 on the hour to get slightly thinner in 6 months. Rainier.
  12. R

    How do you preform the HST cycle?

    15-10-6-3-1 On the last two weeks I do cheat curls on arms (5 reps) but do single reps on everything else. Rainier.
  13. R

    Worst HSN Supplement Ideas

    Placebo X2 - Twice as powerful as a regular placebo
  14. R

    How much EPA per day

    I just bought some fish oil capsules. Each capsual contains 180mg of EPA + a bunch of other stuff. I also take 20ml of flax see oil per day, but I also drink lots of cofee (so very little ALA will be converted to EPA) I weight 75kg at 25% body fat. How many Fish oil capsules should I take ...
  15. R

    fat loss supplements

    Or what about: * Green Tea; + * Caffeine; + * L-Tyrosene; + * Vitamin B6
  16. R

    fat loss supplements

    What is green tea like with C, but no E. I live in australia and E is hard to buy over here. Rainier.
  17. R

    fat loss supplements

    Why does green tea help ? Any particular type of green tea ?
  18. R

    Whch creatine is worth the money

    I like Aussie Bodies creatine. If you shop around you can get it for $70 per kg. I used to shop at a suppliment store in Stafford. You pay a $2 joining fee and get 25% ish off RRP. I think the same guy has a store in Mt Gravatt and one in the city.