How much EPA per day

I just bought some fish oil capsules. Each capsual contains 180mg of EPA + a bunch of other stuff.

I also take 20ml of flax see oil per day, but I also drink lots of cofee (so very little ALA will be converted to EPA)

I weight 75kg at 25% body fat.

How many Fish oil capsules should I take ?

Could I suggest that you go get some Udos choice instead ? Or at least buy things on bottle instead of in capsules ?

I get at least 2 table spoons of Udos/day. I think 1 table spoon (of most of these fats) equates to 15 pills. You can do the math yourself ;o) From what I hear this will give the body all the omegas it needs and this will also be converted to CLA.
IF you are over at TMag, the usual dose they say is 6gms of combined epa and dha.
Most of the studys (in nutrient partitioning and the likes) use 6gms of fish oil, or 6 caps.
try to get 2-6 grams per day. The FDA has only approved 2 grams per day because of the ability of omega-3s to thin the blood (reduce clotting). However, if you are not at risk of bleeding abnormalities, anywhere up to 6 grams per day is beneficial. The burping WILL stop if you take them consistantly. Takes about a week for the burps to stop.

Keep in mind that omega-3s will be preferentially oxidized (burned for fuel) so much of what you take on a low carb diet will be burned before it can be stored in fat cells where it does its magic. Whenever possible, take your fish oils after a meal or after carbs. The carb load to the liver will decrease the oxidation of the fatty acids and allow more to pass through into the blood for storage. This is good when it comes to omega-3s and CLA.
fyi, keep in mind that a given amount of oil does NOT contain just EPA and DHA. There are other fats in the oil besides EPA and DHA. For example, the concentrated fish oil I take - one teaspoon is 4.5 grams of fat, 1.8g of that is EPA and 0.9g of it is DHA. So you have to check the concentrations as it varies GREATLY across different brands. Then do the math to figure how much oil you need to take to get the dosage of EPA/DHA that you want

My training partner is an insulin dependent diabetic. Would it make sense for him to take the full 6g right before an insulin shot to help him store it.