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  1. R


    Cheers guys, making me feel very weak!! So Biz's 10Rm bench is 130kg and partial deadlift is 143kg which means for my partial deadlift 10RM I 'should' be looking at about 95kg...although I think my deadlift will be substantially behind my bench for a while. I take it by partials you mean you...
  2. R


    Hi everyone I've just started deadlifting for the first time but have no frame of reference in terms of the weight I'm using. I know everyone has different strength levels and people are stronger in different body parts but just for fun I wonder if people could let me know what their 10rm and...
  3. R

    Deadlifts and Squats

    Hi everyone, I've just got back from holiday and a 2 week sd and am now raring to go and hit my new cycle...which I thought I had perfectly planned until I started turning over the idea of adding squats and deadlifts to my routine. I know it might be a surprise that they're not in there...
  4. R

    Customizing HST

    On behalf of everyone...         :D I can't believe people actually buy books on bodybuilding etc with old and ill informed advice and we get cutting edge research that's customised to our needs and personal feedback and all for nothing. Gladly buy you a beer or 20 sometime Jules! cheers Rob
  5. R

    HST ABS Discussion

    Well if you're chowing down on 4000+ calories a day and trying to get bigger by building muscle then the bottom line is you're not going to lose fat...and if you do ab exercises HST style then your abs will get bigger and push the fat out from your belly will look even bigger!  ...
  6. R

    Is Repeating weights bad...

    One way round the repeating weights problem is to create two separate workouts for your cycles. I use 5kg increments too (2.5kg for dumbbells) and alternate workouts - e.g. incline db press, pull down, db shoulder press, incline db curls, skull crusher, and the next session would be dips, rows...
  7. R

    Customizing HST

    It depends on the exercise - pulses for pulling exercises and curls are totally different to partials. For presses exercises and extensions then yes, partials you're looking at around half ROM and pulses you're only looking at a few inches. Cheers Rob
  8. R

    Customizing HST

    It depends on the exercise - pulses for pulling exercises and curls are totally different to partials. For presses exercises and extensions then yes, partials you're looking at around half ROM and pulses you're only looking at a few inches. Cheers Rob
  9. R

    New Extended Routine

    I can see it now, you're in bed with your girlfriend and you ask her if she wants to try something kinky...she's up for it and asks if you'd like her to talk dirty to grin, hand her the print out and ask her to start with the section on loded stretches and pulse reps! :D...
  10. R

    New Extended Routine

    In short cluster sets simply means doing multiple sets of very few reps to reach a given rep target, for example you might do 5 sets of 2 reps to reach 10 reps. Pulses reps are used to increase metabolic stress by only using a range of motion of a few inches at the most contracted portion of...
  11. R

    chin up ROM

    To be honest I haven't got a clue in terms of the scapula etc but most of the advice I've had with respect to pulling movements involves doing partials as loading increases and loaded stretch...which doesn't necessarily point towards full range of motion but points to the importance of the...
  12. R

    New Extended Routine

    Hi everyone, Is it me or is sorting out a routine actually more fun than working out?! Definitely gets you motivated during sd if anyone has any thoughts or comments then please let me know... 6 x a week, 3 separate workouts, increments of 5kg (2.5kg for dumbbells) which means 3...
  13. R

    Customizing HST

    Let's see if I've learnt anything from reading this thread...! My understanding is that for pressing exercises static holds have a similar function for pulses in that they increase metabolic stress. However, for pull or curl exercises static holds are in the stretched position and therefore...
  14. R

    Customizing HST

    Let's see if I've learnt anything from reading this thread...! My understanding is that for pressing exercises static holds have a similar function for pulses in that they increase metabolic stress. However, for pull or curl exercises static holds are in the stretched position and therefore...
  15. R

    What to do after the 5's

    look at the customizing hst thread for ideas on how to extend your the time you've finished your brain will be frazzled and you'll be trying to figure out how to add about 9 different techniques all at the same time! :D all hail vicious!
  16. R

    To Squat or not to Squat... ++

    Most gyms should have 1.25kg and 2.5kg plates. I find dumbbells are the problem as they tend to increase by 2.5kg which equals a 5kg increase altogether. If you come up with two different workouts and alternate between them then the increments can be bigger. E.g. I will do dips one session and...
  17. R

    Skipping the 15s

    Ignoring the 'flushing with lactic acid' side of things because its been dealt with I always do '15s' simply because I want to start with the lowest possible weight that's effective so that I can use more increments and have a longer cycle (extend it at the other end with all the tricks that...
  18. R

    Dip belt If the link doesn't work go to amazon, type in dip belt and it's the first one that comes up. ATP wriststraps are the company...
  19. R

    Correlation between B/B and D/B bench press

    When I'm working out my HST cycle I always work out Bench and Dumbell press weights in case the bench is taken, I work it out so my bench is the combined weight of the dumbells plus 10kg, always seems to be about right, is pretty close to Jester's situation too. Why don't you start using...
  20. R

    Workout Drink

    I'll let someone else who's more informed than myself go into detail but its generally accepted that workouts lasting longer than an hour or so are counterproductive, I'm not sure if continuous intake of protein and carbs reduces the effect of rising cortisol levels but I don't think there's any...