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  1. R

    tricep exercise choice

    Your triceps will be growing from doing compound exercises like dips and shoulder presses (although they aren't the primary target muscle for these exercises), the idea of doing an isolation exercise is to use an exercise which subjects the muscle to more stretch. For triceps skullcrushers are...
  2. R

    nutting out frequency

    The thing I find weird about this thread is that everyone is advocating greater frequency subject to staying away from muscle failure...but you are actually going to reduce the frequency of your compound lifts? If you want to experiment with frequency i would go for increasing the frequency of...
  3. R

    best lat exercise

    I usually use a dumbbell for pullovers so I don't know if that makes things different but I'd have thought a decline bench would lower the amount of stretch you can get and therefore reduce the effectiveness of the exercise? I just rest my upper back on a bench (positioned perpendicular to my...
  4. R

    best lat exercise

    I usually use a dumbbell for pullovers so I don't know if that makes things different but I'd have thought a decline bench would lower the amount of stretch you can get and therefore reduce the effectiveness of the exercise? I just rest my upper back on a bench (positioned perpendicular to my...
  5. R

    eccentric reps+metabolic load?

    I'm not sure I understand your questions completely as your options don't appear to be mutually exclusive but either way you want to do extra metabolic work of some kind. How you go about getting to the position for a eccentric rep depends on the exercise I guess, with very heavy negatives I...
  6. R

    HST and my chest

    Hi Joe, I know you're asking the question to see if there's any extra tips out there etc but it also seems it's a kind of 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' situation as you say your chest is growing, maybe you're already on the right track! You might want to try a different exercise just to mix...
  7. R

    Chest Exercise

    I'd say so yes, as long as you increment throughout the 10s and onwards
  8. R

    Chest Exercise

    I'd say so yes, as long as you increment throughout the 10s and onwards
  9. R

    Lats - once and for all

    I know vicious advocates db pullovers as a stretch point exercise for the back and the pullover machine for pulse reps
  10. R

    Annoying guy at Supplement shop

    How great is the internet and this site in particular? Previously a lot of us would have based are opinons on people like this idiot from the shop and assumed the he knew what he was talking about (same thing goes for a lot of personal trainers). I've given up talking to people in nutrition...
  11. R

    compound exercises

    Following on from what DKM said, if you find the movement for incline db lateral raises awkward try cable lateral raises, they also give extra stretch compared to standard db raises.
  12. R

    Chest Exercise

    The main thing is that your primary chest exercise is a compound exercise (incline press) so if you're adding a second exercise then flies is fine. However, incline press does de-emphasis the lower pecs (unless the incline is somwhere around 10 degrees or less) so you might want to alternate...
  13. R

    Chest Exercise

    The main thing is that your primary chest exercise is a compound exercise (incline press) so if you're adding a second exercise then flies is fine. However, incline press does de-emphasis the lower pecs (unless the incline is somwhere around 10 degrees or less) so you might want to alternate...
  14. R

    Is "work" not a factor?

    Another thing to bear in mind is that during the 5s you should be doing some sort of metabolic work (pulse reps/drop sets/light set of 15s) so you won't lose the advantage of any extra hypertrophy caused by the higher metabolic work of 10 reps rather than 5. Cheers Rob
  15. R

    Is "work" not a factor?

    I think a key point, and jvroig did mention this in his nicely comprehensive response, is that 5reps of 200kg doesn't necessarily stimulate more hypertrophy that 10reps of's all about increasing load rather than absolute load. If you carried on working out with 200kg for 5 reps then...
  16. R

    Progression Confusion

    Why is it a disadvantage? If my exercises in routine b puts a similar load on each muscle group then I'm still working out each muscle group just as frequently as if using one exercise. I see alternating as a personal thing, I don't think it's going to make much difference either way...
  17. R

    Progression Confusion

    Is the net effect of repeating weights once and then increasing by 10lbs not the same as increasing by 5lbs each time? i.e. the load is progressing at the same rate over time...? Having said that I only increment 3 times for each exercise because I alternate and therefore my increments are...
  18. R

    Not reaching your reps

    The easiest thing to do is to repeat that weight to keep that exercise consistent with your other exercises. However, the number of reps really isn't that important for growth, just ensure that you continue to increase the weight and work out frequently.
  19. R

    Another newbie

    Personally I much prefer alternating exercises, it means you get more variety and I actually find it makes incrementing easier as the increments are larger, for example dumbbells tend to go up by 2.5kg which is a total increment of 5kg - usually too much to increment with each session unless...
  20. R

    My first HST cycle

    I do one compound exercise per bodypart and one set per exercise...however I work out 4-6 times a week, add stretch point movements from the 10 onwards and do 2 sets of the compound exercise during the 5s so I guess your volume is a little light compared to mine. I would probably increase the...