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  1. R

    Question: Why 3 days a week?

    It isn't necessarily a choice between mwf or every other day, a lot of people on here including myself train 6x a week, although that doesn't mean doubling the amount of training but doing the same number of sets etc but split into more workouts. Cheers Rob
  2. R

    The HST FAQ

    I'd use the entire forum as your own FAQ and get busy with the search facility, there's a huge amount of information on here, I think the FAQ is really designed to set ou the basics. The customising thread/pimp hst ebook is a quality read...interesting that Vicious's take on isolations is the...
  3. R

    Compound Only Routine + Some Questions

    Is an insulin spike undesirable around work out time?
  4. R

    Compound Only Routine + Some Questions

    6 sets of 15? ouch!!! Sounds like you're doing some gironda type training there. I train first thing in the morning too, I have a shake of whey and maltodextrin before and after, then breakfast half an hour later. Whether you include carbs depends on your goals and your personal preferences but...
  5. R

    Compound Only Routine + Some Questions

    Hi Leather, In terms of the volume I think it all depends on how you find it. Personally I use one compound movement per bodypart and alternate between sessions (e.g. rows one sessions, chins the next). I do 1 set up to 5s and then 2...then again I work out 6 x a week (or try to!) so that...
  6. R

    My first HST routine

    I'm assuming underhand pull downs are for the back not triceps.... Personally I would prefer to do a whole body workout 6 times a week than a split but that's just me, looks fine as long as you can handle squats and deads on the same day. I wouldn't say extensions are really needed but if you...
  7. R

    Number of Sets or Number of Exercises

    There's no such thing as how may reps you 'should' do poer bodypart or per exercise in HST. Basically you want to do as much volume as possible as long as it doesn't prevent you training frequently (i.e. 3x a week plus) and/or lead to overtraining. Personally I do one set per exercise during...
  8. R

    Dumbbells for HST

    Yes, yes & yes!
  9. R

    ? on Load for experts

    I'm not an expert or anything Joe so hopefully DKM can either back up or refute what I'm saying ( ! ) but I think you''re confusing load and work. Lets say you're doing 100kg on the bench. Whether you're pre-exhausting or not the load is still 100kg. It will be much harder to lift if you've...
  10. R

    modifying HST a BIT

    I think I understand exactly what you're saying but if this response proves I haven't then please feel free to correct me :) The only thing I'd say as a negative about your reasoning is that most people will be able to do maybe 14-16 reps in the first couple of sessions of their tens but most...
  11. R

    First w/o today and a little confused

    I'm trying to get my head round the numbers because I work in kgs (and drive on the left hand side of the road, awkward buggers aren't we?! ) but I use an alternating routine too and therefore increment at 5kgs a time - that's just over 10 pounds so by my reckoning your starting weight is fine...
  12. R

    Increment size

    I agree it won't make much difference but personally I would prefer to up the weight every workout, it just feels like you're always making progress that way, I absolutely hate lifting the same weight as in a previous work out session, completely destroys my motivation!
  13. R

    New angle

    Any chance of you posting your everyday routine on here jvroig? Or in anyother post? I'd like to see it as I generally do 6 times a week whole body and then when I get to the heavy 5s use a split. I expect others would be interested to but if you'd prefer not to I'll pm you instead (if that's...
  14. R

    stretch and load on lats

    ok, works if you copy & paste...god I'm pc illiterate!
  15. R

    stretch and load on lats

    ok, works if you copy & paste...god I'm pc illiterate!
  16. R

    stretch and load on lats hopefully should work now. I think I might utilise narrow and wide grips, I'm doing 2 sets so I can do one of each, hopefully that way I've got everything covered! What's your view on grip width for rows? I'm thinking...
  17. R

    stretch and load on lats hopefully should work now. I think I might utilise narrow and wide grips, I'm doing 2 sets so I can do one of each, hopefully that way I've got everything covered! What's your view on grip width for rows? I'm thinking...
  18. R

    stretch and load on lats

    Do you mean this exercsise Dan? I used to alternate chins and rows and use pullovers as stretch point but I've been using this recently instead of rows, feels really good. So where does all the discussion above leave palms facing each other...
  19. R

    stretch and load on lats

    Do you mean this exercsise Dan? I used to alternate chins and rows and use pullovers as stretch point but I've been using this recently instead of rows, feels really good. So where does all the discussion above leave palms facing each other...
  20. R

    Doing abs while bulking

    Do people actually want their abs to get bigger? Genuinely asking?! Personally I'm happy to concentrate on pulling my stomach in (or zipping up and hollowing as the pilates phrase goes!) throughout my compound movements...theoretically I'm supposed to be doing nelson sit ups when I get back...