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  1. S

    how big is everyone?

    Good idea E!! I'm still 5'8" but I'm now 205lbs and 13-14% bf. I'm once again trying to shed the winter fat and get down to 7-8%bf for the summer. I did manage to reach 10% at 192ish last summer, so we'll see how this cutting cycle goes. I started at 212 and around 17%bf
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    $1600 stolen from my bank account through PayPal

    As long as Paypal can't withdraw from your account you should be fine. I think that's what happens when you are "verified".
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    That's such a tease!!!! Will the next M&M magazine have more info?
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    Zone Diets

    Nice studies, Thanks. It seems that once higher protein diets are looke at more scientifically that they are showing some real benefits over higher carb diets.
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    Yep, I'm here almost every day. Actually, I did get some results from Yohimburn, but then tried Lipoder-Y from Avant labs. It worked much better for me. They should actually have an ultra version coming out soon which will address the water retention issue that happens with all topical...
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    before bed?

    Before bed I almost always have a cup of cottage cheese and a couple of tablespoons of natural PB. From what I have read, liquid fats dont' slow absorbtion down as much as more solid forms. Although that could be BS.
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    Creatine can increase GLUT4 in mucle cells

    Hi Guys, here are a couple of interesting studies on the effects of creatine and resistance training. It seems that creatine can increase GLUT4 in muscle and thus increase insulin sensitivity. J Appl Physiol 2003 Jan 10; [epub ahead of print] Related Articles, Links Combined creatine and...
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    Cheat Meal Option

    I agree, #1 would be your best choice in my opinion.
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    HSN products

    I am in no way paid by HSN/HST or Bryan to give my opinions. Is this unbiased? Only as much as it can be. By training HST, using HSN products and following Bryan's advice and recomendations or the past year I have mad the best gains of my life. Here it is as straight as I can give it to you...
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    Do you need to cycle E/C?

    I've been doing that for a while now. I really see a difference in the effectiveness and in the side effects. I have no real jitters anymore. Steve
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    Do you need to cycle E/C?

    I have recently started taking just E and C as separate products instead of an herbal product. I like the straight E/C much better. It is nice to be able to adjust the dose of each should I want to. If I am planning on having coffee, then I jsut omit the C and take the E. I also drink...
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    Do you need to cycle E/C?

    Thanks alot Bryan. That really cleared things up. Steve
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    Do you need to cycle E/C?

    I was wondering if it is true that you should cycle any E/C products? I have always read that you should cycle to keep the beta2 receptors from downregulating. I also remember reading that it may be that you don't have to and that its effectiveness may even increase over time. Just wondering if...
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    Penis enlargement pills.

    What's really a shame is that Avant labs product called "Hung" will most likely never see the light of day. It was going to be a topical solution that would add size. Now that the FDA has once again "protected" us from ourselves it has been shelved. Steve
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    Egg Yolk

    He said 40 whole eggs a day not raw eggs. Cook your eggs before you eat them. Salmonella poisoning will kill any progress you've made in the gym bacause you won't be able to eat and keep anything in there for a while Steve
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    Ephedrine HCL and ephedra extract.

    Thanks for teh stuidies, I hadn't seen them before. Ah customs, that is a whole other issue. I would email Mike at 1fast400, he would probably know if there are any issues where you are. Steve
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    Ephedrine HCL and ephedra extract.

    From my understanding, studies that have shown the fat loss benefits of E/C have used Ephedrine HCL and Caffeine. Steve
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    Ephedrine HCL and ephedra extract.

    If you want to be sure of the dose you're getting then just use the real deal ephidrine HCL. 1fast400 sells bottles of 60 25mg pills (scored so you can break them in half) for like 7.00. He also sells caffeine pills cheap. Here is the link: Ephedrine HCL Steve
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    MAG-10 versus One+

    You can check into 1-AD from Ergopharm. I've read good things, and PA obviously knows his stuff. I recently used Avants Nor-A-Derm topical and had no real problems. I applied the gel to my traps/shoulders/biceps/chest in the morning before leaving for work and then at night I applied it to my...