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    HSN considers making prohormone

    That would be great to hear the feedback BIZ. How do you plan on using it? Steve
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    HSN considers making prohormone

    Par can speak to this far better than I, but Avant is elling a 5AA intranasal "In Rage". It has had favorable reviews so far. As LPP said, they are used as a pre event stimluant and from what I gather, the systemic effects are minimal. Here's a link to an informative thread on In...
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    HSN considers making prohormone

    Thanks Par, I will most likely be starting a 2-3 week Nor-a-Derm cycle mid November and will include In Rage pre workout only. Steve
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    HSN considers making prohormone

    Par, I'm looking to do a couple of short 2-3 week cycles of Nor a derm once I get my blood work back (need to decide whether to add 4-AD this time around). I'm wondering if the Nor-a-Derm alone will suffice. I have a tendency for MPB, so my vanity will win out for now. Once more of it falls...
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    HST caloric level?

    That sounds like a good plan to me. That's pretty much what I did this summer and it worked well. I didn't do a strict Keto diet, just low carb. I also did a high carb refeed on Sundays, and then as I got leaner I did another one on Wednesdays after training. I wouldn't change the routine...
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    The Look

    You bring up a good point Jules. I don't actually know if I would be completely satisfied if I looked like that pic. I'm not there (yet). There's always one more pound to gain or a little more fat to lose etc. No matter the final result, the journey has been and continues to be enjoyable...
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    The Look

    You bring up a good point Jules. I don't actually know if I would be completely satisfied if I looked like that pic. I'm not there (yet). There's always one more pound to gain or a little more fat to lose etc. No matter the final result, the journey has been and continues to be enjoyable...
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    The Look

    I wonder what Reeve's stats were in that pic. That's about what I am working towards. Steve
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    The Look

    I wonder what Reeve's stats were in that pic. That's about what I am working towards. Steve
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    HSN is now at!!!!

    Hi guys, I just wanted to let you guys know that the HSN products are now available here Great price, and the service is top notch. Steve
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    Protein Poll

    We'll be expecting pictures of you with your trophy you know. :D Good luck Steve
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    Protein Poll

    Here's another question. I have heard that it's not the amount of protein that people take in, but the actual bump in protein that causes increased growth (I could be wrong). Would it be beneficial to bump protein intake as your HST cycle progresses? Steve
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    Hi George, I basically did what you did and tapered off. I'm not sure how much it helped, but it seemed to. I have been off it for a while now and have gained some fat back, but there are so many other variables that I could not pinpoint the removal of the arimidex as the culprit. I also...
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    Protein Poll

    At 195, I get around 230-250g while bulking. So it's around 1.25g/lb. Steve
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    Ketogenic diet

    I wish I could be of more help with this one, but I have never done a strick Keto diet. The way I did it was to just eat low carb most of the time. I would eat carbs after training and refeed 2x week. once for 12 hours of Sundays and then a5-6 hour refeed on Wednesdays after training. Steve
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    EC appetite rebound

    I second that. I recently stopped taking it for about a month, and noticed an increase in appetite as well as some fat gain as well. Of course I also added many more carbs back in to my diet too. But what the hell, it bulking season, so some fat is expected. Steve
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    What are some good tasting protein powders?

    Ok, I'll be the first to say it. PRIMER and DRIVER form HSN both taste great and are great quality. I know you said you don't like chocolate, but the tastes aren't overbearing at all. Try it you'll like it. Steve
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    15-Fold Increase in Insulin Activity

    That makes sense to me. I used to drink a ton of green tea, but have since stopped. Looks like I'll be reintroducing it while I am bulking. Steve