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  1. Z

    Too close to the project

    thanks for all hints
  2. Z

    Too close to the project

    Dan and Rest how about case when someone is gaining strenght but for few last weeks nothing but fat around waist ? diet (macro) is good cals ? - maybe training is right - still gaining no aerobics - winter time in Poland :D any ideas ? thanks in advance
  3. Z

    creatine query

    Thanks Aaron so I am assuming that there is no research done on KA ?? some time ago you have found something fishy on creatine ester - I think in patent database do you have something similar on KA ??
  4. Z

    creatine query

    any more info why KA is just another hype ?? and any more info ?? Aaron ?? BTW from what source such numbers come ??
  5. Z

    Substitute for maltodextrine

    I can't believe that you cannot find glucose in glocery shop
  6. Z

    ECA VS Fat burners

    there are E tablets and C tablets on market usually they are separate
  7. Z

    ECA VS Fat burners

    usually is comes in form of tablets (of course you have to be health enough to use it)
  8. Z

    ECA VS Fat burners

    you can skip aspirin unless very obese
  9. Z

    How much calcium supplementation?

    just shoot for 1200-1500 mg daily (from dairry if possible)
  10. Z

    weigt increment help

    thanks for explanation
  11. Z

    weigt increment help

    1 RM I am assuming ??
  12. Z

    bulk 1 week  cut 1 week.........

    whatever you prefer over the longer time for most people I think it is bulking and cutting over the slow one but there is always but ... (I hate to diet for 5 straight months)
  13. Z

    CKD on HST

    CKD means periodic carb-loads how often depends
  14. Z

    New Abbreviated Routine

    it really is !! and congratulations on last news from your site ...  
  15. Z

    New Abbreviated Routine

    I know your history glad you are also here !! good luck
  16. Z

    New Abbreviated Routine

    drewbaye Andrew Baye from SS camp ??
  17. Z

    Carb Cycling

    no if carbs are present they have priority if there are limited, fats are becoming major energy source (with the exepion of anaerobics activities - simplification) all in balance I am trying to keep carbs as low as possible for myself and the level of carbs varies from person to person so it...
  18. Z

    Carb Cycling

    benefit ? no nocarb day you eat almost nothing but protein and some (a little) fat so very little calories it enables you to slow down a build up of body fat in case of bulk diet or makes easier to loose body fat because of high carb day just trics but for some it works  
  19. Z

    The Weight Trainer - Casey Butt

    may I ask also for files ?? :D  