Search results

  1. Z

    Pre made shakes

    just use water instead and be safe :D but i thinkt that if you keep it in refrigerator for few hours there will be no problem
  2. Z

    flax oil vs coffeine

    Fish oil and/or omega3 as just calories (from fat) - EV olive oil stay health
  3. Z

    A weird double split , HST style?

    hehe esperanto :D perhaps
  4. Z

    At the Arnold

  5. Z

    Are there any studies

    it matters especially when working out early at the morning taht time you want to have some aminos in bloodstream later in the day it matters a little less BUT after all after some years of BB you will reache your max doesn't matter with or without pre/post nutrition if all other thing will be...
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    Are there any studies

  7. Z

    Are there any studies

    I think that Lyle pointed out some time ago that you MAY see a difference after two years of IDEAL 'BB live style' and such suplementation (whey VS slow after training)
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    In Poland salbutamol is very popular aid in weight reduction (of course prescription drug) sometimes even people are reporting muscle gains with almost no fat during gaining period Does anybody have any experience wih this drug or any comments ?? usual dosage is from 16 till 24 mg per day - just...
  9. Z

    Protein taxing on kidney/liver?

    please don't look at precentages - their are misleading just take about 1 gr per pound of body weight and feel safe also don't look at BBers thay take sometimes weird amout of protien >400 gr per day
  10. Z

    Protein taxing on kidney/liver?

    +/- yes the amount of protein is quite constant exception - very low kcal diet if you are healthy man don't be affraid of that amount of protein
  11. Z

    Where can I find nutritional info

    please use this :D <a href="" target="_blank"> US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) - Nutrient Database for Standard Reference</a>
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    Olive Oil for calories

    also maybe it will be interesting - from Wikipedia Natural rapeseed oil contains erucic acid, which is mildly toxic to humans in large doses but is used as a food additive in smaller doses. Canola is a specific variety of rapeseed bred to have a low erucic acid content. Canola was developed in...
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    Olive Oil for calories

    as far as I can see USDA database shows something like rapeseed oil=canola oil (I am not sure about this one sometime ago I was searching for the difference and I remember that was not the same , not sure right now) and it has in 100gr Fatty acids, total saturated g 7.100 Fatty acids, total...
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    Olive Oil for calories

    THX :D
  15. Z

    Olive Oil for calories

    fish oil ? that is mine major source of O3 I think
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    Vinegar for Better Glycogen Repletion?

    I was trying it with massive carb loads - UD2 mass version and it help ;) I was holding a little less water after that :D not more not less
  17. Z

    Protein after training

    it is not that about 58% of protien is converted into CH regardless it is before or after the training ?
  18. Z

    Looking for a slow protein

    is soy isolate a slow, medium or fast protein ? asking since it is so cheap - cheaper then whey so maybe it is good to consider it as base protein for most shakes ?
  19. Z

    Oxidation of CLA and Omega 3

    I was asking almost the same question but asking more for mechanism maybe when someone will have more time to answer :D THX