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  1. Fausto

    I'm still confused

    Krazay Colby's right, you need to read the basics of HST to understand fully how it works. You may get somewhat confused reading the more technical threads where people are tweaking the existing basic training to suit each personal need. Our normal suggestion for newbies is to try out the...
  2. Fausto

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    Mikey And we all know BS does not stand for bull-#### specially where you are concerned! Big congrats, and good luck for the next phase :) That is the truth! What a site we are! Kudus to Bryan for strating it up and to all the guys for keeping it just so...we'll just ignore the very few...
  3. Fausto

    Another routine to be critiqued

    spikers The best routines are as simple as can get, so I'd say for now do away with curls and tricep stuff. Try to put in some dips and work towards getting rid of the assist on pull ups, also switch it to close grip underhand grip as you'll be able to get bicep growth from it specially when...
  4. Fausto

    Arms lagging

    Downward and WWe Funny you should mention this, I'm 5'6" and have not really put much weight on the last cycle, in 5 cycles I have put on 11 pounds and then just stayed there, yet in this last cycle the growth is visible, I'd call it a metamorphosis, the LBM is increasing is my only...
  5. Fausto

    Training log

    Jester The same old question keeps popping up "how much, how much....". To tell you the truth it hovers between 70 - 72 Kgs, all the time, and this maybe because if I average my calory comsuptiom, It probably sits lower than waht I'd like, and what's more is I'm not going to bitch...
  6. Fausto

    Changing Bench Angle in the middle of cycle

    Rk That figures any reason why you went for the 45 degree? :confused: That exercise is basically involving the shoulders to more than 70% I'd guess. The best b/b or d/b bench is about 10 - 15 degrees, so that shoulder involvement is rather minimal. This is only second to dips as dips tends...
  7. Fausto

    battlechasers workout log

    Just a pointer One of the things that hampered my gains this cycle was lack of enough sleep, or so I believe. It is starting to pick up though! But it has gotten to me big time!
  8. Fausto

    Training log

    Here's the latest ramble: I can't say I have put on much weight, but my muscle mass is looking way bigger. Chest area has grown along with shoulders, arms are looking great! How the heck do I explain this? My body fat level is only gone down very slightly, 13.5 to 12.63%. Looks good though I...
  9. Fausto

    Different angles for bench press

    RK The angle you choose is up to you, if yoou are doing two sets and it does not take you long to adjust the angle for the second set, then why not change? The difference is that a slighty incline (10 - 15 degrees) is somewhat easier on the shoulder angle, at least that is what I felt. But...
  10. Fausto

    battlechasers workout log

    Hi...ho Jeremy I'm glad you could start up, go easy and just have patience, it is going to take a little while to get back on track as you have pushed it too far! Work should be limited to 8 hours daily, if that happens again, you must take off training or else your body will "hurt...
  11. Fausto

    Starting 5s

    Liege is right, alternate the big'unes they can make you rather tired. :D I was feeling like that after 10's too. Your choice for 5's is cool, just get some space for the big ones on/off according to workouts. Keep going. ;)
  12. Fausto

    Question on intensity

    Coffeeguy At athat point in the workout your weights should be feeling fairly heavy, in which case if you are feeling strong enough, add on some weight but go easy. I am not exactly the volume guy, but that is another approach. :confused: Then on the other hand, do not be "hasty&quot...
  13. Fausto

    Arms lagging

    Arms? Close grip underhand chin-ups (with a heavy load not body weight alone). Another good one is heavy underhand low cable rows or bent over rows - biceps (the forearms grow alon). Close grip bench press, and dips with head up or bench dips (with heavy attached load) - major tricep...
  14. Fausto

    Do compounds work?

    JV Ever the naughty child, hey?
  15. Fausto

    I'm back and I have a question

    Just a thought, the program should help you quite well with the anxiety, so if it does willyou end up discarding the med? Hate to see people going on these meds for too long! I work for a pharmaceutical Company so...I know about the side effects Believe those buggers, can wrek havoc with...
  16. Fausto

    Where to go from here(long)?

    Firm Interesting, Jon Benson who does the M-power series says in one of his articles that he had just that problem and the article points out that he did a complete blood work analysis and got to know his endcrine status, one of his problems (when he was a fat man) and I am not at all saying...
  17. Fausto

    Exercises - 6 times/2 day split

    Dom I found a nice variety using my latest program, small amount of coumpounds MWF and a few good isolations Tu and Th. Worked well, except for the fact that I was and am sleeping quite late and maybe not eating quite enough coupled with the fact that I progressed rather quick so I started...
  18. Fausto

    Do compounds work?

    Whiilst we muse over the usefulness of the basics, here's what Pavel saw at Marty Gallagher's place. Read the rest of the Cat Herd success stories on: martygallagher
  19. Fausto

    battlechasers workout log

    battle I think it is time you save your eating patterns in a database, and start telling us your gains on a weekly basis. That way you'll keep the interest on our side and yours. Also, as soon as you start, you can tell us your gains periodically, but rather emphasize if you are having...