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  1. Fausto

    Getting ready to try HST!

    No such policy here! You keep talking, maybe next start a thread with your log or something like that! Happy HSTying
  2. Fausto

    Suggestions needed for an abbreviated 3 week cycle

    Exactly! I was going to suggest that but felt lazy to write it up! It is better seeing that you are doing reduced volume! Option II is better IMO.
  3. Fausto

    John Berardi

    Lyle I am not a nutritionist at all but thought that the essential Beardi e-book had some sensible non-sensical information, so basing myself on the simple Berardi equations for meals: P + F (minimal carbs) and  P + C (minimal fat) = Increased mass + little added fat (adipose tissue) vs. C...
  4. Fausto

    Suggestions needed for an abbreviated 3 week cycle

    Here's a thread that may help you out: Short cycle
  5. Fausto

    Getting ready to try HST!

    Key Good, plain Jane for now is good, as long as you have the basic six deads/squats/bench/dips/chins/shoulder presses that is all you really need. Alternating like that is good as you get to use all the exercises you want, ans still keep progresssion, while avoiding burnout! This is not...
  6. Fausto

    One arm bigger than the other

    I believe this can be corrected over time by using d/bells, other opinions I have heard was using your under grown hand or arm to do everything you normally do with your normal hand, brush teeth/open taps, pick up things etc. On theother hand IMO, there is no one truly symmetrical, everyone...
  7. Fausto

    Getting ready to try HST!

    You almost got it right No you not retarded, but you funny, I'll give you that Here - make it simple, the text has to be between the quote signs eg :
  8. Fausto

    Suggestions needed for an abbreviated 3 week cycle

    Michel Welcome to HST :D I will attempt to help you out here, but first I am going to suggest that you follow the HST instructions precisely and then come out and questions us again. What seems to be wrong is that you have not followed working out your maximums for each rep scheme. Your...
  9. Fausto

    Another newbie

    Razien99 Welcome to HST. Ah...good ol'Liege got it in the bull's eye, forget the isolations now dude, use the compounds to get some meat on your frame. :D For 15's do with body weight, many guys can't even do 5 with bodyweight, others use an chin-assist or dip-assist machine, so KUDUS TO YOU...
  10. Fausto

    Shoulder Injury

    Jer I hope this article wil help out, I am going thorugh an inpingement now and it is not funny, but one can learn to work around it, one thing is certain exercises will have to be dropped until better days. Here is a good article by Eric Crassey: Cracking the rotator Cuff Conundrum
  11. Fausto

    Spyke's 9x per week program

    Spyke According to Berardi it is possible, avoid carbs + fat or carbs alone meals, eat a mixture of (carbs + protein + minimal fat) and (protein + fat + minimal carbs) on a 3 by 3 basis, also according to him some of us could do better with one kind or the other so it is a matter of...
  12. Fausto

    Getting ready to try HST!

    Keystone It is easy to use the quote button, highlight the test you want and copy it, then click the quote button, paste and click it again :D Sorry, should have warned you there! , what kind of load did you use? Deads are tough as hell, most of us have a love-hate relationship with the...
  13. Fausto

    Bigger bi's...

    Chris Excellent physique so far! I agree that only thing that really needs work is the lat width. I am also with you changing to close grip chins, palms facing you, reason is you can load more with hat variation, your shoulders don't have to come into it as much and the lat muscle gets hit all...
  14. Fausto

    Bigger bi's...

    Cris The mags ain't always right, most of the time they talk a lot of bull :D The secret is nutrition and persistance, and yeah some trickery. I'd stick to incline dumbell curls (15 - 30 degree range) rather low, and then divide your rep in half and perform the first half up for the rep...
  15. Fausto

    Getting ready to try HST!

    Of course it will, it is all in th emind, and lots of patience and preserverance! It is always best to keep things simple yet effective! Use exercises that are multi-jointed and where you can load fairly heavy weights, that will get you growing. Tweaks and other stuff can came later, one...
  16. Fausto

    Getting ready to try HST!

    Keystone Well, if you can't do it any other way rather yes than no, what you can do here is to progress as much as possible to be able to endure Bodyweight chins, then you are free! And once you are free, then aspire to start adding weight to your chins :D Yep, you can do it! Albeit with...
  17. Fausto

    What is your career?

    Chris Never dispair you are only 23, besides you can use the army well in both of those fields you are interested in. NEVER GIVE UP
  18. Fausto

    best lat exercise

    BF = Body Fat? Oh Yeah, this is critical, I think, must always be considered, else your back will never look good!
  19. Fausto

    What is your career?

    Well, thanks Joe, it can be inetersting alright, just this industry is a real pain in the tutu, full of paperwork and regulations, but the work itself and the decsions one has to make, yeah, those can be a real bang! :D I think I have learned quite a bit and should soon go on my takes...
  20. Fausto

    Adding stretch points... some assistance needed

    I mean about 15 degrees or so from horizontal :D Get your arms at about 45 degrees or so towards the outside, and lay down completely into the bench do not lift your head, that should stretch them alright. Yeah, I know, I also used to call them 21's, but you know what i mean and besides 21's...