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  1. Fausto


    LITN Best decision yet, mate! And quite true, the proof is indeed in the eating! Hope you enjoy it!
  2. Fausto

    Tabata style aerobics

    Faz Tought that was you line of thought! Can't say mate. The research as I said only got done on 4 minutes. But you can always do the one on one of the threads I linked at the beggining, something called Tabata this. Sounds like fun! And lots of sweating! I personally will do as little as...
  3. Fausto

    Training Lats - Two Exercises?

    Tom I can't say that is true! Deadlifts and pull ups should be able to build you a thick V-shaped back. The importance is the amount of loading you will subject your back to. That is eventually what is going to get Thick and built (muscular). As for the exercises and due to the construction...
  4. Fausto

    Tabata style aerobics

    Faz Are you a sucker for punishment? LOL To be straight forward you can, it is up to you, but why, Dr. Tabata in his research found the 4 minutes enough to cause a 9 fold fat burning effect from it, so why do more? I can't say wheather it will improve the fat bunring, but I guess you can to...
  5. Fausto

    Training log

    Yah, Jester Unfortunately I don't have a digital camera, no one thought of this particular useful Christmas present, but then again good ones are not cheap either. I'll have to after developing what I got on the normal camera, convert it and post at a later stage. I hear you and...I'll rise...
  6. Fausto

    Need to adjust my HST cycle

    Keth It'd be easier to do legs each time, maybe what you should not do is to superset everything! Use the supersets for what you think is lacking. Separate quad and ham training by alternating. And do legs first thing - at least that works for me! Simplify the workout down to 6 exercises max...
  7. Fausto

    Johnston Rep Method

    xtreme I am willing to try J's out in my normal routine program, I don't mind lowering poundages somewhat for an intensity variation. But what I have picked up so far does not lead to much either than the fact that you avoid the sticking point, so we are looking at half up/half down type of...
  8. Fausto

    Shoulder/Chest targeting

    Smunky Try to lift the bench to a slight incline 10 - 15 degrees, that should help. Peck-decks if they hurt the shoulders then stop them for a while. Here's an article to help you so long: cracking the rotator cuff conundrum
  9. Fausto

    Help me devise my first HST program please?

    kethnaab I get you! I just thought the left one is kinda essential to keep the "equipment" working in order and I am pretty sure you'd like to keep it functional, for entertainment purposes of course Anyway with some patience and good techniques you probably will be able to get...
  10. Fausto

    Johnston Rep Method

    The thing is we probably would. But changing of muscle shape or making one part of it grow better than the other when the muscle is basically one unit just does not make scientific sense and this my friend happens to be one of the sites where science is taken quite serious. On the other hand...
  11. Fausto

    Training log

    Thanks CC I have used the two a week variety for almost the whole of 2004, and yep it works but really depends on your goals, if you want hypertrophy and haven't got the time, then I think you need to eat slightly over maintenance but not too much and then up the intensity on each workout as...
  12. Fausto

    Johnston Rep Method

    My Views From all the crapola I have read so far...I still don't see a set of principals by which the so called Jreps work, this is what we "preach" here at HST. :D Also, Bryan has made it rather obvious that we need to treat each other fairly, however I would support some of our...
  13. Fausto

    switch from bulk to cut

    Jw No, you simply do them in different workouts or days, each exercise would have its own rep max. For cutting you don't really do SD, simply switch to higher reps (your choice, I can tell that 15's certainly are good for burning, so, it figures) and re-start the cycle. Your program should...
  14. Fausto

    rest and vanilla routine

    Omega You need to read the 'Pimp my HST e-book" everything is explained rather well in there, one of the stickies for newbies has all the info you need!Click here
  15. Fausto

    Perfect HST routine

    Giovanni Just my two cents worth. I have done the same 2x week training. My conclusion is stay as close as possible to failure without getting there And go for as high a volume as you can take. (3 plus sets) Your diet will have to be more moderate than with the higher frequncie's...
  16. Fausto

    Training log

    Abarlament Why do the extra 15 minutes? The research shows that the guys who did the study got 9 fold more fat reduction than the regulars just with std tabata 4 minutes with 4 min warmup and 4 minutes slow down. Check my thread on Tabata, there is some wicked stuff I found -> go to the...
  17. Fausto

    Is this for real????

    Tot You're the pits man , I agree though I can also do that! So, yep if you do that for one photo and then contract for the other, you could confuse people, I am sure me and you could, anyhoo
  18. Fausto

    Tabata style aerobics

    Faz I hear you, I should have also lost using the 5x week program I was on, but the flab was not going away fast enough, and I was also not gaining that much, except that my muscles flet tighter than ever and I feel I gained some size, besides it shows on my arms and upper body, even the legs...
  19. Fausto

    Tabata style aerobics

    Eph It is the 20/10 interval as per std Tabata. Thanks for the link, I also found something intersting yesterday, check this out: Dan John's tabata method Holy crap - looks like murder and this is another variety: Another Tabata Also sounds interesting! BTW - I tried std Tabata with...
  20. Fausto

    Help me devise my first HST program please?

    I'd be reluctant to do that no matter what the loss, man...that is the most important nut... ... the carrier of goods!