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  1. R

    Building Muscle

    Ahh it never ends! Thanks
  2. R

    Building Muscle

    Can mono/poly unsaturated fats be considered as omega 3/6 fats to any degree? For example, if a food says its serving contains: FAT 30 sat 5 mono 15 poly 10 Would there be any omega 3/6 within the 25 grams of the non saturated fat? I hardly ever see a nutrional information label saying a...
  3. R

    HST Hits's Main Headline!

    Hah, hear hear... I was gonna milk this too and strut around.
  4. R

    New HST Workout

    As long as you're going with a low number of exercises, I think at least at the beginning, you should aim for most of them being compund exercises? (i.e. Decline bench press becomes chest dips, skull crushers become tricep dips etc.) Then as you move into the heavier rep ranges, you could...
  5. R

    The impact of metabolic stress on hormonal respons

    That's not what I got from it. They said one group stopped in the middle of the set, for 30 seconds, whereas the other group used 1 minute breaks between sets. It's not really news that metabolic stress aids hypertrophy. There is a lot of information here in this forum that looks at these...
  6. R

    Chad Waterburys Routine and new book

    I see HST in the first two points... the third is just :confused: The rest we've all heard countless times...
  7. R

    Who said 15's felt like nothing?

    I don't know if you should be doing loaded stretches during the 15s... might give the repeated bout effect more speed in catching up with your loading. Correct freely if I'm wrong.
  8. R

    sexual abstinence and performance

    Wow, this thread spans two years! I want to apply HST principles to my PC muscle, and then just lay back and watch the ladies swoon.
  9. R

    renaming strategic deconditioning?

    Chillin' Time (CT) Lay terminology. ;)
  10. R

    Vicious, could you share your personal routine?

    hah... I used to snack on fishoils like they were crackers. I'm sure everyone's impressed.
  11. R

    To the man who just turned 60

    Right on, right on... Happy birthday. Another 60 to go at LEAST eh? eh?
  12. R

    Vicious, could you share your personal routine?

    Without any clue really, I take a dose of 6g of flax oil and 6g of fish oil daily. This is just something I "decided" I'd do. What is in actuality, a reasonable intake amount? For let's say, a 3-6 times a week bulking routine. Does it differ whilst you're cutting? Do you sometimes want...
  13. R

    Study: 1 set vs 3

    True, but many references to the actual journal origins are made, where you can look the research up yourself, and aren't made to blindly believe that "Dr. so and so" did this and discovered that.
  14. R

    Study: 1 set vs 3

    I usually don't read research from sites that end in dot com, and when I do, I don't take it very seriously. I'll stick to reading research from actual journals. Not that I'm trying to discredit all research posted on such sites. Just my preference.
  15. R

    New Extended Routine

    I printed out that thread just yesterday. Make sure to click "Print this topic" located on the bottom right. Even then it came out to be 120+ pages. Dear lord that thing is a goldmine. I've yet to sink my teeth in it past the first two pages, but flipping like, 30 pages ahead and just...
  16. R

    metabolic work 15's, which exercises?

    Hypothetical situation: A workout consisting of - bench, military press and bicep curls You are saying, do your worksets for all three, then come back to each at the end and do a dropset for each as well? aye or nay?
  17. R

    metabolic work 15's, which exercises?

    I'd like to add... It's said to do them after the last workset, but will that not considerably hinder your performance in the subsequent exercises that share a muscle group (i.e. work set of bench press, followed by a dropset, then later having to do military press)?
  18. R

    Quads are huring

    That reminds me of the burpee exercise... Where you jump up high, land down in a full deep squat, place hands on the floor, launch the feet out so you're in pushup position, do a pushup, launch back in to the initial squat position and repeat the process. That stuff absolutely KILLS me, yet as...
  19. R

    Choice of exercices OK?

    10 seconds? I remember reading somewhere on this site that doing them for that long would make them similar to isometric contractions, which aren't as good for muscle building? This is put into very lay terms, since I can't remember the exact wording. What's your take on that?