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  1. Blade

    Follow-up to ALCAR/ALA/Theanine stack

    Great feedback! I'm still trying to find a source for it - probably need to import it illegally (we can use AAS legally here, but amino acids aren't available ). If anyone else has valuable feedback of this kind, it would be great to hear about it...
  2. Blade

    Misc questions regarding 5s

    You only do warmups for the first exercise of legs, chest, and back anyway - the rest of the muscle groups will then be warmed up indirectly. 3 warmup sets per muscle group shouldn't require more than 3 minutes - so 9 minutes total.
  3. Blade

    Can I put creatine in my whey drink?

    Yup, me too...
  4. Blade

    Misc questions regarding 5s

    The warm-ups I've described in the FAQ require 5-10mins max and this is during the most extensive warm-ups of the 5s/negs, and are well worth it. I've tried cutting down on the warm-ups but generally don't feel like I get into the proper "groove" until way into my working sets. Coming...
  5. Blade

    Back development & exercise selection

  6. Blade

    Smith machine squats dangerous

    I think you'd just have to find this out for yourself - impossible for me to know your biomechanics and muscle recruitment patterns, so the difference might be greater or less for you than it was for me.
  7. Blade

    Weight loss during SD

    My weight can fluctuate by 2-3kg on a day to day basis, and even from morning to the evening. Nothing to worry about, it is affected by hydration, electrolyte balance, what you've been eating, and a few other factors - it isn't really muscle. And I really have to agree that you're not eating...
  8. Blade

    Smith machine squats dangerous

    Yes, I found that I got good response from my quads, and a lot less lower back and glute stress. Like I've mentioned before, I have a biomechanical disadvantage in the squat and I'm pretty much used to employing primarily glutes, hams, and lower back in this lift. When I started lifting heels...
  9. Blade

    Serious question

    ...and when he crapped it out again, it was a complete Olympic barbell set with rubber coated plates and a power rack.... Amazing guy, really :D
  10. Blade

    nicotine gum: how stupid would it be...

    I haven't looked into this much, but do a search on Avant Labs forums - there are some people there who have theorized and experimented with it. Dante is one of them.
  11. Blade

    Smith machine squats dangerous

    One of the main arguments against Smith squats were that the hamstrings would be recruited less, hence the stability of the knee joint would be compromised. I read a study where just this premise was tested, and the hamstrings showed about equal recruitment between Smith vs. regular squats...
  12. Blade

    All heads

    Bicep curls are better for your biceps than chins or rows because the muscle experiences greater stretch. So there is a role for isolation exercises, just not necessarily a role for additional isolation exercises to "hit every angle". There is no great difference between barbell-...
  13. Blade

    Carbups and refeeds

    More like 1700+g of carbs ...I'm 116kg. Think I'd have to spread it out more - I have problems getting 150g carbs per meal (every 4hrs) as it is.
  14. Blade

    Carbups and refeeds

    This is cut and pasted from Lyle's Keto Forum. I'm sure he won't mind :D Thought provoking? Right. Anyhow. Ok, I realize that I almost never start threads (mainly because I rarely have anything to say) but here's one that goes back to a topic that was being discussed a few weeks back...
  15. Blade

    Optimizing HST

    More on AM/PM splits Ok, here are a few points to think about. 1) Increasing volume isn't a bad thing. The only time it is contraindicated is when you can't handle any more volume because the current weight loads are sufficiently heavy and are causing sufficient trauma to the tissues with...
  16. Blade

    Sleep Reduction with ALCAR + l-theanine

    Sounds very promising - especially for me who will sit up until 5 in the morning on the Internet, then sometimes sleep for 10-12hrs straight. Unfortunately, amino acids are not available separately in Norway :confused:
  17. Blade

    The HST worksheet

    If you didn't test for your 10RM and 5RM prior to Strategic Deconditioning, you should not test for them now. Just keep the progression for the 15s going as planned, then backcycle a couple of increments (reduce the load - also called 'zig-zag' ), and continue with about a 5-10% increment every-...
  18. Blade

    Blades Pics

    andré: Sergio would beat them all, if he only could bring up his legs. Also, his biceps lacked a pronounced peak due to his long muscle bellies. JPO: 1. Palms away from me. Never could remember the difference between 'chins' and 'pull-ups' in terms of which way the palms were facing... 2. I've...
  19. Blade

    Blades Pics

    Slightly morphed pic of Arnold there, eh? I think if he really looked like that, no Dorian or Coleman of today would ever be able to touch him. Thank you for the kind words - they are highly appreciated
  20. Blade

    Blades Pics

    Oatmealandtuna: I believe there was an article a while back on T-mag, maybe someone else has a link. Sarge: I doubt I'll be doing any shows this year, too busy with personal training and trying to get a supplement store opened. My current routine: Chins (wide and narrow) Panatta Incline Press...