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    A question to Bryan Haycock

    Warning: Troll Alert
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    HST Challenged by HIT

    Speaking of putting to bed myths, supercompensation and HIT were put to bed by the scientific community many years ago. 2-Factor Theory is prevalent and has a body of evidence to support it. I know that HST is not based on 2-Factor, but there are some similarities. One being frequency and the...
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    question regarding the HST training prog

    HST is certainly geared towards hypertrophy. I was just making the point that training to failure has no merit in elite athletics.
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    question regarding the HST training prog

    The whole "lifting to failure" has pretty much been debunked now. Almost all elite strength athletes are using more frequency. Most subscribe to the Dual-Factor Theory. While HST is not based on Dual Factor, it does share many commonalities. Most notably, more frequent training and...
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    Strength Coaches

    Bill Star Pendelay Just to name two.
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    Skipping the 15s

    I'm on my 4th cycle and only did 15's on my first. I generally start with the 10s.
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    Stop feeding the troll. If you do not feed the troll, he will go away, as there will be no one to get a reaction out of. This should be the last post in this thread, as nothing productive will come from this converstion. Have a nice day.
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    Eating at maintenance, then upping cals

    That describes me. I've done 3 bulking cycles, gained 30lbs, but wanna keep my waist from getting over 36". I fall in that 10-15% BF range, so I think that eating this way could be a welcome change of pace for me. My question is: I've ate 4000-4200cals/day last cycle and gained 10 lbs...
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    your results with HST...

    Nice results Lance! Great job. Just finished my 3rd cycle and hit my target bodyweight for this cycle of 210lbs. Actually, I surpassed it a bit at 212lbs. This was a total gain of about 10lbs for this cycle. Since June I've added over 30 lbs, so I am pretty pleased with my results. I dont...
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    When can I expect results?

    What is your height/weight? Exactly how many calories are you taking in every day? How many grams of protein? If you have not gained any weight in 4 wks, there is no doubt you need to be eating more. That being said, most of my growth comes in the 5's and negs. Good luck.
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    hst has jacked my appetite, is this normal

    At 6'4" and over 210, you should probably be eating around 4000 cals/day. I'm about the same height and weight and to add weight, I've been eating over 4000 cals/day.
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    Where to go from here(long)?

    Have you had your T-levels checked lately? Maybe HRT could help get you over the hump.
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    Upper body stronger than lower body?

    Like my friend Tot said, most people can do much more weight with squats than with bench. You have much stronger muscles and joints around the hip. Have you just recently started training legs? Just research on proper squat form and keep working hard and you'll bring up those weak points in no...
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    Strength Gains With HST

    5 rep max after 1st HST cycle: military: 135 bench: 215 Incline bench: 190 Squat:300 After 3rd cycle: military: 150 bench: 235 Incline bench: 210 Squat:335 I am certainly the strongest I've ever been. Most importantly, I've gone from 178lbs to 210lbs since June. I have put on an acceptable...
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    high reps vs. low reps in arms?

    I am also considering not doing 5 reps for arms. The extra heavy weights are lighting my joints up. I think I'll probably stick to 8's from here on out.
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    How long does it REALLY take to get big?

    I would certainly think it is flexed.
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    Howmany of you?...

    I'm doing a 4wk cycle, SD over the holidays, and start anew in 2006. I'm not looking forward to the "New Year's Resolution" crowd getting in my way for the first 4-6 wks of the new year, though. /sigh
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    How long does it REALLY take to get big?

    Colby, I just realized that I stated that I gained 30lbs of muscle. That is obviously untrue. It has been 30 lbs total, but with acceptable fat gain. Thanks for pointing that out, I don't want to be dishonest! My point is that with hard work and lots of food, you can look spectacular. I look at...
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    How long does it REALLY take to get big?

    I've gained almost 30lbs of muscle since starting HST last June. I think it's reasonable for me to gain another 20lbs, putting me at 230lbs with BF<15%. That seems big to me. It may take another year to do it, but it is totally worth the effort.