1. I never said beef was bad, I like beef, I eat beef, what I did say is to assume that Beef is the end all and be all of a solid nutrition plan is just BS, even though beef has many good qualities, Iron, Protein, it also has some that are not that advantageous, saturated fat to name just one.
2. I have utilized the USRDA Nutrient Database for years and it is an excellent source for nutrient information, but there are other issues besides the nutrient content of a food as I pointed to earlier. Plus the USRDA Nutrient Database does not show the amount of known carcinogens in todays farm raised beef cattle. There are 258 different chemicals that are feed to the animals before it hits the super market. Of these chemicals, 48 are known to be carcinogenic. In normal amounts of ingestion this usually presents no problem, but to eat beef all day and night, well that perhaps leads to something else.
So again bottom line it is energy balance, not where the energy came from. It is also the individual and their predisposition to varying energy restrictions and surplus.
2. I have utilized the USRDA Nutrient Database for years and it is an excellent source for nutrient information, but there are other issues besides the nutrient content of a food as I pointed to earlier. Plus the USRDA Nutrient Database does not show the amount of known carcinogens in todays farm raised beef cattle. There are 258 different chemicals that are feed to the animals before it hits the super market. Of these chemicals, 48 are known to be carcinogenic. In normal amounts of ingestion this usually presents no problem, but to eat beef all day and night, well that perhaps leads to something else.
So again bottom line it is energy balance, not where the energy came from. It is also the individual and their predisposition to varying energy restrictions and surplus.