5s and loaded stretching


New Member

I'm about to enter my 5s, and have some quesitons regarding loaded stretching (and pulse stretching, what is this?). I'm aware of the idea of loaded stretching, and I find using weights in the dumbell fly position to be very effective. However for the other bodyparts I'm not sure what movements are effective?

How do you do loaded stretching on the sholders, back and legs?

Also, what is pulse stretching? Is there any other kind of stretching that should be incorporated with HST?
Go to the "HST E BOOKS" thread, follows the links, download the "Pimp My HST V2" e-book.

Under the contents look up loaded stretches/stretches etc.

Chest - flyes
Middle back - close grip seated rows
Lats - hanging chins
Shoulders and biceps - incline curls
Triceps - overhead DB/BB extension holds

Pulse stretching is best explained as "controlled bouncing".

For example, doing chin ups. You're using a heavy weight/at the end of a heavy set (5RM, 3RM etc). Imagine that you're lowering yourself down from the top position and as you reach the last 6 inches or so of the eccentric you drop - you aren't lowering yourself anymore, it's a drop (gravity). Just as you hit the bottom, you contract as fast as possible - won't make a full rep. Do this 5-8 times.

Hope that made sense, the E-Book covers it better possibly.

This can applied to any exercise. Beware though, Pulse Stretching is dangerous. I would NEVER do this for squats or deads. BB Rows it would be difficult. Bench it would be ideal with a GOOD spotter. Dips is probably asking for a shoulder reconstruction or two.

To be honest, the best application of this is for pull/chin ups, seated rows with a close grip, sm. machine military press and maybe incline curls and skull crushers.
Thanks Jester....

As it turns out I saw your post below and followed the links to the same doc :)

Regarding the 5s, is it better to be using machines or free weights? I'd be a bit worried about my technique with squats and deadlifts on 5s because the weight is getting heavy. Even on sholder press I would be more comfortable with the machine that with heavy dumbells......
You want the freeweights if you can perform the exercise safely.

If you can't then you're using too much weight. It's your 5RM, so you should be able to do it yeh? I'd go with the free weights so long as it's a question of slight cheating/body english instead of just really bad technique.

Re: Shoulders - I like the Smith machine for if/when it gets really heavy and I don't have a partner handy. But then DB press is prob. my favourite pressing exercise. Just go with one, see how it goes :)