6 days and maxes


New Member
It seems to me a major problem with my routine is being at my max for longs periods of time with the 6 day/wk setup.  
My routine is as follows...
Decline Bench Press
Side Delts
Rear Delts
Romanian Deadlifts
Incline DB Bench Press
Upright Rows
Leg Press
Leg Curl
A-B-C-D, etc.  The problem is, if I don't work from my max backwards, some movements will hit the RM for the given rep range while others won't.  For instance, in the first 2 week block, rows will hit the max, chins/pulldowns won't.  And in the following week, chins/pulldowns will hit the max, and rows won't.  I'm not sure if it even matters, but the only way to cure it is to be at my RM for 4 days in a row.
At 6 days/wk, I could see burning out pretty quickly on this.  
Another solution I can see is to move pulldowns to workout A, and thus have heavy workouts A and B, and lighter workouts C and D in which I use workouts C and D to increase the frequency but stay one increment back from my RM.  A and B would get maxed at the end of each two week block, C and D would stay one increment back and would mainly be used to increase frequency, nutrient partitioning, etc.
Thoughts or ideas?
And here's the FB version.

Decline Bench
Romanian Deadlift

DB Incline Bench
Leg Press
Leg Curl
Upright Row
Rear Delt

I should also note that I will be cutting and using lower rep ranges. (9-6-3)
Sounds like something isn't right. If you used the same increment number, let's say 6, and work backward from your RM for each block then this shouldn't happen.

Here's what I recommend. Use the HST Calculator. Fill it in for each Group A,B,C,D seperately. If you still end the same way let me know, or post your full routine here and we'll see what's up.
I'm sorry about the above post, I'm not even sure if it was coherent.

Do you understand what I'm saying about being at my max for four days in a row with the ABCD approach?  The last W Th F S would all be 9RM, 6RM, and 3RM respectively.  If I went AB, I would only be at my max 2 days in a row.

Do you see any problem with being at my max four days in a row or do you think I should just go with the two total body workouts?

Trying to get the ABCD approach to work is driving me insane.
So 9's would look something like this (keep in mind I haven't found maxes yet)...

The last number of each are the 9RM with two increments going back. Each workout (ABCD) will be done three times per two week block. A-B-C-D-A...etc.

Is there any way you can think of to eliminate working at my RM for the last four workouts? Maybe repeat the second workout of C and D and only max on A and B. To do this I would probably start with workout C and D and finish with A and B. This gets me back to the whole maxing on rows but not pulldowns, etc.
Jeez I make this sound so confusing.

Decline Bench Press 175-190-205
Rows 85-95-105
Side Delts 10-15-20
Rear Delts 5-10-15
Biceps 15-20-25
Triceps 45-55-65
Squat 180-195-210
Romanian Deadlifts 215-235-255
Standing Calves 105-120-135
Incline DB Bench Press 45-55-65
Chins/Pulldowns 105-120-135
Upright Rows 45-50-55
Biceps 15-20-25
Triceps 45-55-65
Leg Press 300-330-360
Leg Curl 75-90-105
Seated Calves 65-70-75
Then again, getting to max for four days may actually be easier because I will be using less exercises per day than I would if I had to do two full body max sessions.

Besides, four different workouts is more fun too! :)