_tim's Log

BB Row: 150, 160 x 3; 170 x 5
All reps paused - no tension was on the bar at the start of each rep.

Repetition BB Row: 5 x 10 @ 125
After the Kippings yesterday, my hands are still sore and I actually have some DOMS in my lats. These reps became very challenging in the 4th and 5th sets. All reps done to upper belly, without jerking.

Incline DB Press: 5 x 10 @ 55
Heavy concentration on keeping the load squarely on the chest.

Assistance (Vanity)
Hammer Strength Curls: 70 x 8; 80 x 8; 90 x 2.5 (SH ~:08 @ 90 degrees); 50 x 8 (last rep SH ~:10 after slow decline to 90 degrees)
I was going to do chins, but my back was blitzed after the rows. Kinda nice finishing up week 3 with some bicep work.

Feel good about progress this week.
Glad you are liking the kipping PUs Tim. That's some good progress. Once you hit 21 for the 1st set, 15 for the second and 9 for the third, you're ready for a no-rest Fran attempt! ;) Seriously though, I find high-rep kipping PUs are just about the most intense metabolic workout for my upper torso that I've ever done (particularly for back and arms). The main problem I get with them is the shoulder joint aching for the next couple of days. It doesn't sound like you get that? My hands get sore too but I don't mind that so much.
The main problem I get with them is the shoulder joint aching for the next couple of days. It doesn't sound like you get that? My hands get sore too but I don't mind that so much.

Hey Lol -

Thanks for the kind words! My shoulders are typically fine after a session of Kippings - my back was a tad fatigued, and the hand issues. I think once I get a few more callouses, I should be OK with the hands.

I agree on the metabolic nature of longer sets - in fact, I have a goal of hitting 40 reps for a single set. I do want to do a Fran attempt sometime yet this summer, but I truly want to get my endurance back up to snuff, and this seems to be a great tool for the job. I think the work could translate into very nice assistance for some of my other lifts.
Pause Standing Press: 110, 115 X 3; 120 x 5
I always love it when progress is evident in lifting. By no means is 120 an Earth-shattering weight, but considering 95 pounds was hard just a couple weeks back it's kinda nice to see this lift progressing.

Repetition Standing Press: 5 x 10 @ 80
Last set was clustered 9-1.

DB Row: 5 x 10 @ 55
Nice pump at the end.

I didn't have time for any running, but I did a small set of 3 chins with a static hold at 90 degrees for about :07.

Decent start to the week.
Been a busy week.

Deads: 280, 300 x 3; 320 x 4
Fun to be getting back into sorta-heavy. Socks throughout, straps for the 300+ sets.

Repetition Deads: 5 x 8 @ 180
Nicely sweat-inducing.

Hanging Leg Raise: 5 x 12
Last 2 sets were tough.
BW: 205.... Not sure what that's about.

Pause Chins: BW+ 15, +20 x 3; +25 x 4
In watching all the vids of Mike (mikeynov) doing chins, I'm always astounded at where he resolves the concentric aspect of his reps - the guy hits his chest every time. I've been doing CG chins forever, and could only manage to hit my collarbone at best. So today, I kept my hands slightly less than parallel with my shoulders, and hit my mid-sternum with every rep. I'm absolutely astounded at the difference; I felt parts of the posterior delt/trap/rhomboid/lat intersection get hit that haven't been in a very long time. I'm a fan.

CGPD: 5 x 10 @ 140
WOW. I progressed these by 10 since I last did 'em to up the intensity. Yep - did the trick. Crazy hard toward the end of the 4th and 5th sets.

Incline Bench: 4 x 10 @ 140
Last 2 sets were clustered 8-2 and 6-2-2 respectively. The last rep of set 4 was a struggle, so I felt that a 5th set was unwise without a spotter. I actually tested out my next cycle inadvertently with the 6-2-2; I'm going to do the HCT-12 program after my Wendler deloads. Read about it here: http://www.wannabebig.com/hypertrop...phy-cluster-training-hct-12-training-program/
Thank you, Fausto.

DB Hammer Curls: 30, 35 x 10; 40 x 7
My bi's are developing nicely again, but are flat as can be. Hence, some hammer work for the long head!

NG Chin SH + bounce... :13 + 2 bounces, :10 + 1.5 bounces
1 bounce = move from 90 degrees down to 45 degrees, and back up to 90 degrees. TO THE PAIN!
First week of 5/3/1....

Pause Bench: 170 x 5; 190 x 3; 215 x 3 (this was supposed to be 1, but was way too easy) 225 x 2; 235 x 3
I probably should have tried a single at 245, but was low on time, so convinced myself that the ME 235 triple was good enough.

Repetition Bench: 5 x 10 @ 140
What a difference a few weeks make! All 5 sets were completed without issue - after the ME triple.

Cable Row: 5 x 10 @ 130
Good 'n pumpy. Lats enjoyed the dance.

I'm going to run into a snag for deloads after next week; my gym is closing to relocate until 7/1. Not sure if I'm going to treat the time as an SD or go to another gym for a week. Anybody have any thoughts?

First observation about this program as we near the end of the cycle... Unless the loads are right, the volume will fall short. For me, now that I'm starting to have muscle memory kick in, I'm thinking that the progression to 5/3/1 that I've programmed for most lifts won't be sufficient to properly end the cycle. We'll see - but if bench was any indication, I won't be shocked if I end up doing more than the 5/3/1 progression for most of the other core lifts.
Off day...

Kipping Pullups: 26, 15, 10
Yeah, I can hear the "do a Fran attempt" suggestions already.... Hands are much better after the effort - and forearms got some great work. I had tons of stares going on at the gym while I did these - kinda strange.

Elliptical: 20:00, Cross Training program
Somewhere north of 250 calories burned supposedly. Don't really trust any of the numbers coming off of those machines. Knees still aren't ready for running, and my Achilles has only been feeling healthy for a couple days now.
Finally... Rough week.

Pause Squats: 200 x 5; 225 x 3; 250 x 2; 265 x 1
The 250 was supposed to be the single but was really easy for a ME attempt. Hence the 265 single.

Repetition Squats: 5 x 10 @ 150
These still kill me.

Bench Abs: 2 x 10(3) @ 135
Triple reps are fun!

I'm not sure how I'm going to get back on track yet - I'm hoping to get through all the 5/3/1 sets before the gym closes.
Back on track!

BB Row: 140 x 5; 160 x 3; 180 x 3 (supposed to be my single); 190 x 2; 200 x 1
Love the progress this cycle!

Repetition BB Row: 5 x 10 @ 140
I have wanted to do this for the whole cycle - bar + plate. I got through all 10 sets without clustering, but the last two sets were challenging after rep 7.

Decline Bench: 2 x 10 @ 160; 3 x 10 @ 170
The 160 wasn't tough enough, even when taking the bar all the way down to the top of my sternum for a wider ROM. Welcome back, triceps. Missed 'ya.

Next week will wrap the 5/3/1 sets, and I'm still not sure what I'm going to do while the gym transition happens. I guess we'll see what happens.
Pause Standing Press: 100 x 5; 115 x 3; 130 x 3 (programmed single); 140 x 1
Happy with the progress since day 1.

Repetition Standing Press: 5 x 10 @ 85
Last set was clustered 8-2. Even these sets have showed an improvement; I think I clustered the last two sets at minimum every time I did the repetition work.

DB Row: 5 x 10 @ 60
Semi-breath stealing.

OK - so the gym is closing a day earlier than I thought. So - I'm going to go to another gym during the time my gym is closed to finish out the cycle. I'm not going to do all of the deload work as programmed in 5/3/1; it's going to be a fun mix of metabolic work and some deloading over the next couple weeks. My CNS isn't even showing a sign of being disaffected in any way, and I have to think it's because of how the cycle is structured - and the tiny weights with semi-small volumes don't hurt either. By this time in a triples cycle, I'd be close to dead. Not so this time around. Granted, I have made progress this cycle, primarily getting back to a reasonable baseline of strength. This was a good "get back in shape" cycle.

Soon, it will be time to get strong.
Deads: 265 x 5; 300 x 3; 335 x 1
I finally got one right! I thought about going for a second rep at 335, but my body position was wrong and I just knew that if I did I'd get hurt.

Repetition Deads: 5 x 8 @ 180
No issues, other than two people asking why I was lifting in my socks.

Hanging Leg Raise: 5 x 12
Last set was tough from rep 7 on, but form was not compromised.

OK - so this was the last day for my gym. Not sure if I'm going to do mornings or afternoons from here on out, but I will keep lifting until the new palace of pain is ready.
Off Day, (Different Gym)

Thrusters: 100 x 8, 4, 8, 8, 5
Yeah - my endurance with these aren't close to what it needs to be for a Fran attempt.

Threadmill: 10:00 intervals (incline), 3:00 CD
This was a test for the knees and achilles, and both passed nicely.

I used to work out at the gym where I'm be hanging out for the next week a few years ago. Heck - I may have even been doing my first HST cycles there. Nice enough place, just a bit of a drive.
Last day of 5/3/1 before deload...

Pause Chins: BW + 20 x 5; + 30 X 3; + 40 x 1.75
BW is still almost exactly 200, so I feel pretty good pulling 240 pounds vertically for a single. I'm nowhere near my goal for chins, but I'll get there.

CGPD: 5 x 10 @ 150
I've been progressing this to really push myself. I'm pretty pleased with how that turned out - it has been a good experiment.

Incline Bench: 5 x 10 @ 140
Got all the sets in without clustering.

This has been a great cycle. I'm going to do another one for sure at some point.
Deload Week One. Yuck.

WU: mile run, 10:00.

Pause Bench: 140, 150, 160 x 5
No fun.

Repetition Bench: 5 x 10 @ 140
Not bad at all.

Cable Row: 5 x 10 @ 140
I really like the progress this cycle.
Treadmill: 28:30, Incline Interval, 6.3-6.5 MPH
Per the treadmill, I burned 438.2 calories. I'd set the time to 30:00, but I was so cooked by the end that I started to cooldown early.

To the pain...... Mini Metabolic.............

Pullups/Chins: 5, 5, 5, 5
Pushups: 10, 10, 10, 10

The pullups and chins were alternated by set. There were no breaks whatsoever in the routine, and yes, I was dead afterward. I'm still kinda tired, to be honest.

The interval work was crazy, crazy hard. I'm not sure what the biggest angle was in terms of degrees, but it was significant. The metabolic work was done against completely depleted energy reserves - kinda nice to really have to force myself to push through a workout again - I haven't done that in a very long time.
The deload continues....

Pause Squats: 165, 175, 185 x 5
Form form form. I've done all my work this cycle low bar, ATG. I don't think I've ever made it through a complete cycle doing both - kinda happy about that.

Repetition Squats: 5 x 10 @ 155
I continue to progress these slightly, and it's become something of an addiction. The 5x10 thing is a really fun challenge for all the lifts.

Bench Abs: 3(!) x 10 @ 140
Once again, these were triple reps - and I finally got 3 complete sets in. My obliques hurt so bad when I was done - LOTS of stretching afterward.

I'm getting kinda anxious - I really want to start the new cycle. One more week of deloads, though.
Cardio! New Gym.....

Treadmill: Interval (incline), 30:00, 4:00 CD
For the run - it was 3.01 miles ran. With cool down, it was 3.3 miles.

OK - so today the new gym opened. In fact, I spent a decent amount of time looking around the place. First impression is a bit mixed; the free weight area is a bit congested, and there is no place for me to do Kipping pullups. The gym itself is very nice - just not sure how well it's going to work going forward. There's almost no room to do barbell work on the floor - deads and rows are going to be kinda interesting, and cleans are very unlikely. But - I'm going to give it a fair shake and see if I can make it work for what I need it to.
Last week of deloads.

BB Row: 115, 125, 135 x 5
The hardest thing about these was the stretch until I got the plates on the side of the bar.

Repetition BB Row: 10 x 5 @ 145
I progressed these a bit to sorta do a fit test. Went pretty well until the last rep of the 5th set. I didn't get the bar to my belly, so I took two breaths, reset and did another one - to my belly.

Decline Bench: 10 x 5 @ 175
Last set was clustered 7-3. I knew I was pushing it, but wanted to see how I fared.

This was a make-up from last week. This week is going to be compressed a bit, which is fine in the grand scheme.
The end.

Well guys, my schedule today and tomorrow is flat out insane. So, I'm going to call the 5/3/1 cycle done. I greatly enjoyed it, and will do another one probably later on this year.

Details of the next cycle will be posted later today, and the new game starts Monday.