_tim's Log

Thanks TunnelRat! I'm pretty proud of this. I finally get what slapshotz meant in his big rant about the deadlift. Just getting it off the floor is the first rush, getting through the middle of the lift is yet another rush, and then standing there staring at yourself in the mirror holding that bar with all that weight, your legs bulging about as big as they've ever been - man, that's a rush like no other.

The muscle pain tomorrow? That's like no other too. I can already feel it in my hammys and glutes.
nice work Tim...I'm going to have to put my nose to the grindstone and catch you!
(fearfactory @ Oct. 24 2007,02:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">nice work Tim...I'm going to have to put my nose to the grindstone and catch you!</div>
And I'm going to have to do the same if I want to stay a little in front! Good lifting Tim.
FF - You're beating the crap out of me in all things upper body; I kinda think you'll catch me in no time.

Lol - I've been trying to get to where you are since I joined the site. Something tells me that you staying in front won't be terribly hard to do.

In any case guys, thanks so much for the posts! I really appreciate it.

Bench Day

I'm feeling a plateau coming on.....

135 x 15

185 x 10

205 x 5

225 x 3

245 x 2, spotter assisted on second rep

I sorta felt like going up in weight was a bad idea, but I still had gas in the tank. So, the thought in my head was WWRD (What Would Russ Do). The answer clearly was a set of triples.


10 x 3 @ 195

I'm not sure how much rest I was supposed to have between sets, but I averaged about a minute or so. I dunno - these triples were kinda fun. Maybe next cycle will be a Russ cycle - who knows.

As for the heavier sets, I'm not thrilled that I'm stagnant at 245. But, my chest has never been my strong point, so I guess I won't be too upset about it.
(_tim @ Oct. 24 2007,09:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So, the thought in my head was WWRD (What Would Russ Do). The answer clearly was a set of triples.</div>
I gotta get me one of those bumper stickers: WWRD?....!
(TunnelRat @ Oct. 24 2007,10:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I gotta get me one of those bumper stickers: WWRD?....!
HECK YEAH! We should make shirts up with &quot;WWRD&quot; on the front, and &quot;got triples?&quot; on the back! ...And with each shirt purchase, you get the matching bumper sticker.

WE GOTTA DO IT! We'd make, like, $20 or something.
Grip Work

I had no idea my grip strength had fallen with these lifts. I think that very clearly points to the fact that I absolutely have to do them on a regular basis.

Finger Rolls: 135 x 10; 145 x 10, 8 - The last time I did these, I was at 185.

Rev. Wrist Curl: 40 x 10, 8, 6 - I've always sucked at these.

DB Static Hold: 65 x 60s, ~45s, ~35s - If you guys have never tried these, give it a shot. The feeling is insane. Hold the weights until literally your fingers release, and the weight drops. I always do these sitting down so the weight doesn't bust my feet - because I just know that would happen.

Wrist Curl: 60 x 10, 10; 70 x 6 - I know this was the end of the workout, but the last time I did these, I was working in the early 200's.

Thor's Hammer: 25 x 15 - I HATE these, but they nail the parts of your forearms that don't really get hit with wrist curls.

Followed that all up with a more intense session of HIIT (11 minutes). I'm building up to the next level, both time and speed-wise.
Tim, just a passing thought on your grip/forearm work: I reckon you are doing too many iso type exercises. My feeling is that for grip work you would be best served doing heavy static holds on a reasonably regular basis (&gt;= once a week) along with negs and low rep work on tough grippers. By 'heavy' I mean working up to at least 3/4 of the load that you can deadlift but using a regular grip. Hanging from a bar with a load hanging from your waist is similar to static holds but less comfortable.
I really think that for grip strength, heavy is where it's at.

For forearm hypertrophy, most rowing and chinning movements will hit your forearm muscles hard enough to stimulate growth assuming you are continuing to up the loads on a regular basis. Heavy curls (regular and hammer) will also blast your forearms and are much kinder on your wrists than wrist curls with the kind of loads that you need to be using.

If you look at guys who take chemical assistance, their forearms are often very well developed and yet they don't work them directly with isos but hit them hard during heavy compound work for their upper body.

You are doing really well with your lifting and I'd love it if your grip came on to match your deads, which I think it will if you hit it hard with heavy stuff.
(RUSS @ Oct. 25 2007,11:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Does that consitute a triple...?
(Lol @ Oct. 25 2007,10:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Tim, just a passing thought on your grip/forearm work: I reckon you are doing too many iso type exercises. My feeling is that for grip work you would be best served doing heavy static holds on a reasonably regular basis (&gt;= once a week) along with negs and low rep work on tough grippers. By 'heavy' I mean working up to at least 3/4 of the load that you can deadlift but using a regular grip. Hanging from a bar with a load hanging from your waist is similar to static holds but less comfortable.
I really think that for grip strength, heavy is where it's at.</div>
Wow, Lol. That's a heck of a thought. I'll definitely take your advice and do the heavy static holds at least once per week, and I'll do low rep work with my gripper at home. That actually makes a heck of a lot more sense than doing the ISO stuff I did today. The goal today wasn't forearm hypertrophy - I just wanted to improve my grip strength. You make a great point in that regard!

Thank you so much!
I hear 'ya, colby. I gave the Farmer's Walk a shot about a week ago. The thing I didn't like about it was that my grip fails quickly, and I found myself mid-stride when I ultimately had to drop the weight. I suppose maybe when I get some endurance I'll try it again, but for now, I'm gonna stick with the static holds so that when I drop the weight, it falls onto support bars.
I gave the hook grip a whirl today for a few reps, seemed to work pretty well. This cycle, I'm trying to stick w/ an over over grip until I get to the 5's. Wish I had a grip like Liege's....
(fearfactory @ Oct. 25 2007,13:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Wish I had a grip like Liege's....</div>
ME TOO - Liege, Lol and stevejones all have grips to bow to - I'd imagine slapz too with the loads he throws around.

In time, I suppose....
Squat Day

135 x 15

185 x 10

225 x 5

275 x 3


attempted 315, but didn't get a full rep - maybe got 3/4 of the way down and it just didn't feel right.

295 x 1

225 x 6

Not exactly the best finish to the week, but hey, I gave it a shot. Looking forward to the start of volume week 3 (week 6 of the cycle)... Speaking of, I think this will be a 12-week cycle, giving me 6 weeks of volume training and 6 weeks of power training. Seems right - perhaps a bit long, but right.
(_tim @ Oct. 25 2007,13:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I hear 'ya, colby. I gave the Farmer's Walk a shot about a week ago. The thing I didn't like about it was that my grip fails quickly, and I found myself mid-stride when I ultimately had to drop the weight. I suppose maybe when I get some endurance I'll try it again, but for now, I'm gonna stick with the static holds so that when I drop the weight, it falls onto support bars.</div>
That's the point of them... Unfortunately, I can't do them anymore because I don't have the room, and it's too cold and wet to go outside. I may take up static holds in a couple of weeks.
Week 6
Volume Week 3


Pendlay Rows: 115 x 20; 125 x 13, 10

Neutral Grip Cable Pulldown: 110 x 20; 120 x 20; 130 x 9
- I was proud of these. I finally am able to push through and finish high rep sets with my back. That second set took everything I had to finish, but I did. Good stuff.

DB Rows: 45 x 11 - These killed me - I was hitting exactly the same spot on my lats that I'd just exhausted.

Pullups: BW x 3, 2.5, 2.5, 2 - I was gonna do a 10 x 3 - but this was good too.

BB Static Hold: 235 x ~30s; 285 x ~3s; 235 x ~10s - It's a first step.

All in all, a good Monday morning.
Good to see you are doing static holds. I would now progress from 235lb and add 5lb each session but do three 'sets' with the same load. Try to match the times for each set with those of the previous session. I find my forearms need a couple of minutes to recover strength between sets. Same goes for grippers.