_tim's Log

Deadlift: 240, 275 x 5; 310 x 6; 240 x 15

Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 x 10 @ 60

Iso/Iso DB Rows: 80 x 10, 8, 8, 6

Incline Deficit Push-ups: 15, 11, 11, 11

The last set of Deadlifts was very MSy after rep 8. I was totally gassed by rep 12. Not at all unhappy with the 310 set.

I supersetted the rows and push-up sets starting with the second set of rows. Time was a thing today.

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Squats: 210, 245, 275 x 5; 5x10 @ 210

Front Foot Elevated Goblet Reverse Lunge: 4x8 @ 61.7

SADB Row: 80, 85 x 5; 90 x 4; 70 x 7
Floor Press: 185 x 6, 5, 4; 165 x 7

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OHP: 100, 115, 130 x 5; 5x10 @ 100

DB Snatch: 70 x 10, 8, 8, 8

Pull-up: BW (216.5) x 7, 7, 5, 4, 3

Paused BB Rollout: 95 x 8, 5, 3.5
BB Floor Wiper: 185 x 10, 10, 10

DB Skullz: 80 x 6, 5, 5

Rope Triceps Extension (BFR): 70 x 25, 22, 16, 17, 12; 80 x 11, 8

Deadlift: 225, 260, 295 x 5; 5x10 @ 225

Bulgarian Split Squat: 70 x 10, 10
Iso/Iso DB Row: 80 x 10, 10
Incline Deficit Push-ups: 12, 12

Bench: 165, 190, 215 x 5; 5x10 @ 165

DB Incline Bench: 130 x 10, 10, 10, 6

Farmer’s Walk: 3x100 yards @ 245

Chins: BW (216) x 7, 6, 5, 4, 4

Hammer Curl: 70 x 8, 10, 6

Incline Curl (BFR): 50 x 25, 12, 12, 9, 6; 40 x 2

Squats: 245, 275 x 5; 310 x 2; 5x5 @ 275

I slept horrible last night and was just not in the game today. The only set that felt clean was the 3rd set of the 5x5. I ended the WO after the squats both because of time and because I was fatigued beyond a comfortable place.

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Hi All -

I was on vacation last week and made some lifting decisions.

Before I left, I worked with a buddy on my bench form. Knowing that I have lots of room to grow there, I’m dedicating the next couple months to more of a strength focus.

For Deadlift, I started today with 305 x 4 x 2. I plan on adding load and sets up to 5x4 (weekly) before moving to 2x3. I’ll progress again to 5x3 before moving to doubles. My CNS will be my guide there.

For bench, squats and OHP, I’m planning on the same thing. I’ve struggled with bench and OHP strength for far too long—I’m hoping this pattern will help. Ultimately, assistance will be used each WO based on feel. My only plan going into each WO is the big compound and whatever the load/set goals are to be.

Assistance today was GHR, Reverse Hyper, Hanging Knee Raise and slow negative chins.

I’m 100% open to feedback! Let me know what you think!

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Thanks @Jester - assistance will be 2-4 sets of 6-10 if I have the energy. In truth, the whole of the approach centers around the big compounds. If I’m zapped after my primary lift, I’ll stretch a little and go home.

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I would make the effort to get the supplemental work done.

All available and emerging data suggests that’s the difference between doing ok and doing well, to put it bluntly.
Agreed, completely [mention]Jester [/mention]


Bench Press: 2x4 @ 225
With SlingShot: 235, 275, 285 x 2

Incline DB Bench: 130, 140 x 8; 160 x 6; 170 x 4

The SlingShot is the Mark Bell, original SS. My bench-guru buddy had me use his, and I must admit that it’s going to tweak how I do my bench work. The 4/3/2 sets will be natural. I’ll use the SS for submaximal overloads. I had maybe one more set after 285, but chose to stay there. I only ended my day due to time; I worked with another guy and there was a ton of time wasted in bar setup.

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Squats: 2x4 @ 275

GM: 2x8 @ 135

Band Resisted BB Bulgarian SS: 2x8 @ 95 + skinny medium bands

Screwdriver: 5?
Band Resisted Squat: bar + same bands x 20

I wasn’t wowed by my load for squats, but I was militant with form. I slightly paused every rep and ensured every rep was taken to ATG hole positions.

Something likely for Saturday: direct back work.

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7/2 (with a buddy)
OHP: 135, 140 x 4; 115 x 9

No-Rest Lateral Raise: 30 x 8, 8; 40 x 6; 36 x 8; 20 x 20

Rear Delt… Squeeze?: 36, 50, 60 x 10
Not sure what to call these. From a seated position, grab a pair of dumbbells and angle your hand down, as though you’re pointing at the ground. Pull your elbow back and squeeze your rear delt.

Incline Front Raise: 30 x 10; 40 x 8

Shrugs: 185, 225 x 10; 235 x 8

Sled Calf Press: 3 x 15 (loads?)

Boxing Bag Work 30:00

Pendlay Row: 135 x 10; 165, 185 x 8; 205 SH

2 up 1 down: 90 x 3, 2, 2 (grip was awful)

Bicep Curl SS.

Deadlift: 3 x 4 @ 315

GHR: 4, 4, 3

Rev Hyper: 3 x 10 @ 60
Negative Chins: 2, 1, 3
Paused Rollout: 5, 4, 3

Bench Press 3 x 4 @ 235; Sling Shot: 265 x 2; 295 x 1

Incline Dumbbell Bench: 140, 160 x 8; 180 x 4; 120 x 8

Low Cable Cross: 40 x 10, 9x, 5x

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Squats: 3 x 4 @ 305
The last rep of set 3 was a smidge GMy

GM: 3 x 6 @ 165

Band Resisted Bulgarian Split Squat: 135 x 3, 5/3 (left/right)
I completely failed in the hole - twice - with the bar on my back at rep 4 on my right side. Not fun.

Band Resisted Squat: 95 x 20, 6

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Deadlift: 4 x 3 @ 335

GHR: 5, 4, 3, 2

Pulls were clean for the most part. As I fatigued, I had a couple reps that weren’t what I wanted, but at the same time weren’t all that ugly.

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Bench Press: 255 x 2; 245 x 4; 235 x 4, 3; 225 x 4

Dumbbell Incline Bench: 120, 140 x 8; 160 x 6; 170 x 3

Low Cable Cross: 60 x 10, 8, 6

I trained with the same guy I did yesterday. He’s looking for an accountability partner, and it admittedly disaffected my session today. That said, I don’t believe I’m getting enough volume on bench to truly evolve my strength.

So, for bench press alone (maybe OHP too), I’m switching to a hybrid 10x3 layout, as it worked well for me in the past. Starting next week, I’ll find a starting (submaximal) load and do 10x3. I’ll progress loads week by week, and when I hit a load where I don’t get all 10 sets, I’ll drop a set from that point forward. This will be true all the way to having a single triple as the goal.

Assistance will be used throughout to support joint health and accessory/stabilizing muscles.

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Something I want to mention… I’m doing the 75 Hard program. This means two workouts every day, a strict diet, a gallon of water consumed each day, reading and a progress picture taken daily.

The book by Andy Frisella is a quick and great read. I mention this as my workouts from now through the end of September may be on a fluctuating pattern. I’ll note it all and comment on my experience for anyone who might be interested.

Last night, I walked (hills/trails) for 3 miles. This morning, 30:00 boxing bag work, plus this superset:

Pull-ups: BW (?) 8, 8, 6, 6, 4
Banded Push-ups: 15, 15, 12, 10, 8

Last night, it thunder stormed for about half of my walk. A smidge unpleasant, but a good experience.

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Hey [mention]Jester [/mention]- for 75 Hard? A stronger mind. This is a discipline challenge as much as it’s a physical one. That said, a workout doesn’t always have to be intense. The challenge is what I make it, within the boundaries of the rules. Having better habits (water consumption, better diet, constantly learning) are absolutely things I could use some reinforcement on. On my own, I doubt I’d persist the rigor of the challenge. Make sense?

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Squats: 325 x 1; 315 x 3, 2; 225 x 7

GM: 155 x 6, 5, 5, 5

Band Resisted Squat: 135 x 14, 11

I think the 325 might have been as heavy as I’ve gone for a bit. I beat that number in 2019.

I’m switching to an auto regulated approach. I overshot on my first set today, which was a lesson. Volume will remain on the low end.

Last night - 3.3 mile walk with 4 hill sprints. I know this impacted my squat sets today, which triggered the autoreg thought.

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OHP: 115, 125, 135 x 3; 145 x 1; 125 x 6
My auto-regulation thought informed this approach. Do triples until I can’t and then hit a SSL set for an RPE 9 set.

No Rest Lateral Raise: 50 x 5; 40 x 9, 6

Rear Delt Squeeze: 88 x 5, 6
Incline Front Raise: 30 x 10, 11

Rear Delt Fly: 115 x 11, 8

Last night: 50 minutes of HIIT using bands and my 35lb Wreck Bag.

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