A few questions before starting first cycle


There are a few things I am confused about and need help with before I start my first cycle.

1. Am I supposed to do eccentric lifts (negatives) for 2 weeks like the other rep cycles? If not, how long or when should I do them?

2. How are some of these negative lifts accomplished? What I mean is, how would I do negative bicep curls or tricep extensions or even squats and leg curls?

3. What do I do if I can't go up 5 lbs for a given lift when I'm supposed to? I have a hard time imagining myself being able to increase my dumbbell shoulder raises by 5 lbs every time I start the cycle over.

I'm excited to start my first HST cycle since I've had great results with another high frequency low volume routine (Madcow 5x5) and looking forward to making better size gains.

Thanks for any input.
All of your questions have been already asked and already answered about a million times her on the forum. Take some time and do some research before asking questions.
Doing any type of post 5 RM work is optional. It is desirable because the Repeated Bout Effect does not kick in with low reps as quickly as it does with high reps and low rep work requires recruitment of more muscle fibers. Doing another two weeks at your 5 RM is almost as good as doing negatives and a lot safer. To recruit all muscle fibers, it is wise to cut your 5 RM sets by one less set but add in a metabolic set to recruit all muscle fibers. A metabolic set is merely doing your last set for a given muscle group at roughly your 15 RM. That way you hit all your fast twitch, slow twitch, no twitch, muscle fibers to maximize muscle growth. Then SD and start again.

As to your third question, repeat dumbell weights a second time and merely increase reps if you are not at your RM.

If you have not already, read Totz's free e book on HST. It has a wealth of knowledge.
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Thanks for the reply. That answers all my current questions, as I'm sure more will come to me. I will check out the ebook as soon as I can find it.

Also, I have searched a lot and have had numerous questions answered through searching. These are just some I had a hard time finding good enough answers for. Rest assured I will continue to search when I have questions and will not spam the board with threads.
Thanks for the link and thanks for putting this pdf file together! I've been reading it for a while and it does clarify a lot!