A study about stretching

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">but the generality of this finding needs testing. Insufficient research has been done with which to determine the effects of stretching on sporting performance</div>
This is not true. Someone posted a study on here recently about it; very conclusive. The result of that study showed some of what they suspected, being that stretching has some benefit post exersize, but could actually impede performance prior. The best way to set up for a w.o. is the warmups, rather than stretching, which will actually improve performance and deter injury.
Just because they hadn't seen the study doesn't mean it hasn't been done. We all saw it.
If I recall correctly stretching the antagonists temporarily improved performance and flexibility in the agonists. So for something like squats/deadlifts, stretching the hip flexors could help or for OHP the hanging stretch.