About to start HST- question


New Member
Hi, I've been doing a basic Push/pull type of routine for a few months and have somewhat overreached and stalled on most of my lifts. I plan on starting HST as it sounds like it is backed up by some actual research and have heard some good things about low volume high frequency routines. My question is: since I have slightly overdone it the past few months, is it absolutely necessary for me to take an entire week off? I already know my maxes so I feel no need to test them again before that. Anyway, wouldn't going so light in the first couple weeks serve as a deload in and of itself negating the usefulness of the week off? or is Strategic reconditioning not the same thing as a deload? thx for any help.

edit: one more thing actually- is muscle growth actually stimulated during the periods of time when you are lifting so light? It's a bit hard to believe that I need 6 sessions to work up to even moderately heavy weight. any clarification is appreciated. ty
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Because you overdid it, it is even more important that you SD.

Take 9 days off then start your cycle.

Growth is possible during the 15s, don't assume just because a weight is what you think of as light that it is totally useless. Try doing the 15s myo-reps style if you want, that works well. Also, don't start out each rep range lighter than 70% of so of your RM for that rep range. So if your 15 RM for bench is 200, don't start out any lighter than 140 your first session.
I'd actually go further and recommend taking a full two-weeks off. Unless you starve or face-stuff yourself, you aren't going to alter your body weight or composition via that fortnight, but you'll be astounded by the results you experience from HST'ing.