Start of RFL
5/4: No RFL but lifted S/B/D 185/135/225 x 2 x 15
5/5 (Day 1): 195.4
5/6 (Day 2): 194.9, lifted S/B/D 225/185/275 x 2 x 10
5/7 (Day 3): 193.5
5/8-10 (Day 4-6): 193.7, not sure why the body decided to hang at this weight for a few days but it did. I was having some constipation issues, probably linked to the diet change and then while I was sick I was using some Dayquil/Nyquil which always causes me issues. Anyways ate some prunes a couple times and it fixed the issue. Also didn't lift 5/8 8(
5/11 (Day 7): 192
5/12 (Day 8): 191.3, first week over with relatively minor cheats, today I will be going to the movies and will probably have some nachos and maybe share a beer with my wife. Anyways progression has been good and I don't see any reason I can't continue, cravings have been minor to non-existent. Lifted S/B/D 275/205/315 x 2 x 5 (also did a 255 with slingshot for a single on bench). I am a little light on the deadlift due to some sciatic issues which appear to be stemming from the bench. Anyways I will probably put my 5s at 345 by 5/15.
5/13 (Day 9): 191.3, lifted S/B 230/190 for 20 reps. Squat went fine as a 2x10, Bench was broke into 3 sets in total. I've really taken a hit here but it looks worse than it is. I noticed bench was contributing to the sciatic issue so now I am benching legs up which I am much weaker at without leg drive. For deads I didn't feel like doing reps so I worked up to 385 and it went smoothly so I attempted 435 three times off of blocks, sadly it was total fail city. Oh well.
5/14 (Day 10): 191.0, I had expected a bit of movement with such a good workout the night before. I did have a pretty salty dinner though so maybe it was just water retention. So for the first 10 days I achieved about half my goal of 10lbs getting just over 4 but since I started lower than expected I am pretty much on target. Tomorrow is cheat day, but I think I will be pretty tame about it. Further I will add in a small amount of HIIT in the workout to hopefully further increase my metabolism for the next 10 days.
5/15 (Day 11-Break): 191.0 So today was cheat day or break day however you want to put it. In the 24 hours I probably did 2500-3000 calories. I hit a pretty hard work: squat 280 for 10 reps over 3 sets, bench 205 for 10 reps over 3 sets and deads 315 for singles alternating sumo/conventional. 315 is my sumo 1rm so it was a pretty challenging workout. My back was super sore from Wednesday's 435 attempts but I knew I had the calories. I attempted 255 with the slighshot on bench again and something didn't work out because I just couldn't press it off my chest. Maybe I misgrooved or whatever, anyways I did the roll of shame down the stomach. For cardio I did some thrusters and then some eliptical.
5/16 (Day 12): 192.5 I wasn't surprised by the weight gain, a lot is just having more food that previously in my system. I am sure in a day or two I will have a big BM and lose a good pound (regularity has definitely been an issue, so I've added daily prunes). I am going to reduce my calories a little further per day for this 10 days. So I am cutting my portions down by a third to improve the results. I've decided 195 will be my cap weight so once I hit that I will diet back down to lower 180s and cycle through that for a about a year. Anyways, back to the diet grind.
5/17 (Day 13): 191.5 nothing to say here, stuck to the protocols but forgot to take my supps. Getting back to being strict on the diet wasn't a cake walk, I had a lot of cravings.
5/18 (Day 14): 190.6 definitely looking trimmer than ever. Too bad the strength loss is so drastic. Anyways sqauts went 275x3, 285x3,2,2. Bench went 185x5, 205 in the slingshot 2x5. Deadlift I worked sumo up to a new 1rm of 345 which was neat. Then I pulled it conventional a few times. Also I ate two cookies, oops.

By the end of the night I was really hungry so I had another meal, some ground turkey, broccoli and an egg.
5/19 (Day 15): 189.6 honestly this was a pretty big surprise considering the two cookies and the added meal at the end of the night.
5/20 (Day 16): 189.3 little to no cravings, I kind of expected more here but whatevs. The lifting went well squat went 285x3,3,4 and the first set was beltless. Bench went 195x5,5,5 and deadlifts I worked up to 315x5 and then a bunch of romanians, paused and holds at some lower weights. My workout partner hit a big pr on deadlifts doing 315x3, last year he maxed at 295 so he was pretty stoked. I did some shoulders, biceps and triceps for about 30 reps clustered with 30lb dumbells. I also did some higher intensity rowing to start the day and some elliptical to conclude.
5/21 (Day 17): 189.3 this is a little disappointing due to the good workout and how well I stuck to my protocols. Due to circumstances I will end this on the 19th day at which point I will start working my way back into more calories. I'll save my closing thoughts until then. Definitely facing some diet motivation fatigue, I've eaten about 600cals outside of protocols today. 8(
5/22 (Day 18): 189.3 I really fell off the wagon here, ate some nachos last night, thought I would get back on it today and ate a light and appropriate breakfast but then had Chipotle for lunch. Anyways I am going to push myself pretty hard at the gym and start tapering back to a normal diet at this point. I will restart my DUP cycle on Monday.