Ahh...How much do ya bench!?!?

Never knock a PR robefc, a PR is a PR. Good work, congrats and keep posting them. Max-stim is great, I don't do alot of it, mostly chins right now, hit a PR last night in chins, hit 15 reps with 75, BW is 220 (100k).
5'6" BW 155-160 when I did these lifts:

Flat BB Bench: 225X5, 255X1
30' Incline DB Bench: 85X10
Push Ups w/ 112lbs. on my back X5
Deadlifts 320X20
Chins BW+60X5, BW+105X1
Dips BW+65X12

Did some maxing out today, the numbers don't seem like much, but every lift was personal record for me.

Deadlift- 315 lb.s x2
Squat- 290 lb.s x5
Dips- BW+60(260 lb.s) x2
Chins- BW+40(240 lb.s) x2
Rows- 225 lb.s x3
Seated Press- 178 lb.s x2
Liege, smf and Sci: great lifting guys. One of the most satisfying things about hitting the weights is getting new PRs. Long may they continue!
Happy holidays to everyone!!!!!!

Age 45.99, wt 208lbs
Well as of resent my PR for flat bench is 400x1, 350x5,300x10. The 400 matches what I did at age 28 (maybe I'm just not getting any older..haha). My squat used to be about 400 as well but I now have a left knee issue that will likely prevent any new PR's in squats

Hope everyone has a Happy & Safe Holiday this season!!!!!!
