All dumbbell Routine


New Member

I just bought a set of dumbbells (8lbs - 70lbs) and just managed to start my first week of 15's. I feel that I have too many exercises. Please let me know what I could keep and what I could take out or replace to simplify my routine. I am working out M W F and 1 or 2 sets per exercise. Here is my all dumbbell routine:

Decline (2sets)/ Incline (1set) DB press - 35 max 15 rep.

25 25 30 30 35 35

Decline (1set)/ Incline (1set) Fly - 35 max 15 rep.

25 25 30 30 35 35
Pull Overs (2sets) - 35 max 15 rep.

25 25 30 30 35 35
Rows - 30 max 15 rep.

20 20 25 25 30 30

Palm Forward Rows - 30 max 15 rep.

20 20 25 25 30 30

Stiff Legged Delts - 35 max 15 rep.

25 25 30 30 35 35
One Handed Rows on Bench - 30 max 15 rep.

20 20 25 25 30 30

Squats - 30 max 15 rep.

20 20 25 25 30 30

One Legged Rear Step Back - 15 max 15 rep.

8 8 12 12 15 15

Calf Raises - 40 max 15 rep.

30 30 35 35 40 40

Shoulder Press - 25 max 15 rep.

15 15 20 20 25 25

Lateral Raises - 15 max 15 rep.

8 8 12 12 15 15

Front Raises - 15 max 15 rep.

8 8 12 12 15 15

Rear Delts - 15 max 15 rep.

8 8 12 12 15 15

Arnold Presses - 25 max 15 rep.

15 15 20 20 25 25

Bicep Curls - 25 max 15 rep.

15 15 20 20 25 25

Hammer Curls - 25 max 15 rep.

15 15 20 20 25 25

Behind Neck Tricep Press - 30 max 15 rep.

20 20 25 25 30 30

Tricep Kickbacks - 15 max 15 rep.

8 8 12 12 15 15

Shruggs - 30 max 15 rep.

20 20 25 25 30 30
Situps - 2 Sets

Just a reminder that I only have dumbbells. Thanks in advance for your input.
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Cut it down to about 8 exercises. Focus on the large muscle groups, you only need one exercise for small ones like deltoids, arms, etc.
Focus mainly on compounds like presses, lunges, rows, etc.
Cut it down to about 8 exercises. Focus on the large muscle groups, you only need one exercise for small ones like deltoids, arms, etc.
Focus mainly on compounds like presses, lunges, rows, etc.

Here is what I am going to try for my Wednesday 15's workout:

- Incline DB Bench Press 2x15 and 1x15 of Fly
- Decline DB Bench Press 2x15 and 1x15 of Fly
- DB Pull Over 3x15
- DB Bent Over (palm facing in) Rows 3x15
- Stiff Legged DB Deadlift 3x15
- DB Clean 3x15
- DB Shoulder Press 3x15
- Situps 2 sets

Should I add in Shrug or Upright Row, or what I'm doing above covers the traps?

I would not bother with Cleans or situps.
Do some lunges for your quads, glutes.
Please only create one topic about each issue. I went ahead and deleted the duplicate you made in the training logs section.
The training log section is for logging your training, so once you settle on a routine and start doing it, then that would be an appropriate place to start a log.
If your goal is hypertrophy, then cleans and situps aren't good choices.

Bench press
Stiff deads
Rear laterals
Shrugs or upright rows

This will grow muscles with dumbells.
If your goal is hypertrophy, then cleans and situps aren't good choices.

Bench press
Stiff deads
Rear laterals
Shrugs or upright rows

This will grow muscles with dumbells.

Thank you Sci. What would you recommend for chin ups? Since I don't have a belt to hang weights. Should I just perform chin ups until failure or use chairs and possibly purchase a belt to hang additional weights?
I have a leather lifting belt and a chain with a clip that I hang weights from. Are you really strong at chin-ups? If you can do more than 12 straight chin-ups, then you will probably have to start adding weight. For now you could probably just tie a dumbell to an old leather belt or something, and "dip belts" designed for this purpose are available at sporting good stores.
One more question, how many sets would you recommend per session? I was thinking of 3 sets per exercise per day for 15's, 10's and 5's.
If you're new I'd follow the traditional 15x1, 10x2 and 5x3 (it works after all). You'll grow and not over-work, working any harder at this initial stage won't produce massive additional hypertrophy benefits as far as I'm aware, so why put in an extra 50% to get 10% back?

After a cycle or two you could then look to change it around after you have some experience of the mini-cycles and how your own body adapts.

Have you not thought about adding a barbell into the mix (I presume your DB's aren't fixed weights by this)?
If you're new I'd follow the traditional 15x1, 10x2 and 5x3 (it works after all). You'll grow and not over-work, working any harder at this initial stage won't produce massive additional hypertrophy benefits as far as I'm aware, so why put in an extra 50% to get 10% back?

After a cycle or two you could then look to change it around after you have some experience of the mini-cycles and how your own body adapts.

Have you not thought about adding a barbell into the mix (I presume your DB's aren't fixed weights by this)?

That makes sense. I only have access to DBs and they are fixed. Thanks for the quick reply.