Aiai, busted! But in my defense it was very, very light cardio. I merely did it before my core to warm up.Cardio? So you're trying to lose weight then? I thought you were trying to gain.
Today's workout:
3xBenchpress 110 kg
3xFront squat 85 kg
3xChins BW +20 kg
2xCalf press 200 kg
3xStanding overhead press 72,5 kg
Squat rack was busy when I started so I had to do BP first (I hate deviating from my standard routine), and when I finally could move on to Front squats my trousers ripped from a$$ to friggin' navel. Thankfully I didn't go commando (which I never do) or my junk would be hanging down to the floor in my awesome deep squat.
So I had to get a second pair of pants before continuing and ended up skipping core because of time shortage. Good times
I'm on my 5's and doing the 2 last weeks of (close to) 5RM. I only increase where I need to be about 5RM. And I've done Front squats like 4 times now so I'm extra careful while getting used to the technique. At least my forearms hurts less now than the first try.How many reps are you doing this cycle? Are you on your 5´s?
Hahahaha! That is hilarious. You need to get some gym shorts.
Shorts is actually a great idea. I've always used pants (and I don't favor stretchpants/thights on men) but shorts I could do.Seriously. Get some more stretchy pants or just wear shorts, that's what I do, even in the dead of winter. Regular pants are for regular people.
Hey man. Yeah I've dropped by long enough to notice you got some good gains in your bulk, as well as several others around the forum.I was wondering where you´d got to! Nice to see you´re still around and you seem to be getting on well judging by your lifting there. SD now then?
So originally I wanted to go 3x11 but now I'm thinking 3x10 is better. Lowering the set with only 1 rep won't make me able to keep increasing the weights.11reps x 2 from next week? 3 x 11?
Have you decided how may total reps you will be doing once you get heavier? An idea would be to keep total reps to around 24 or 25 until you get past the eights, then perhaps go down to 20 or even 15 when you get down to the 6´s.
Hows the eating going? Put on any weight now? Ive managed to get to 97kg almost. Bulking more than likely until february so hopefully up to 105/110kg![]()
12-10-8-6 looks better actually. Once it starts getting heavy on the 6´s it could be enough with 2 sets on some exercises then a metabolic/higher rep set afterwards. Thats what Im generally doing at the moment.
If I havent eaten enough one day Ill supplement with chocolate. Marabou is my candy of choice. Try and keep putting on more weight to help muscle growth as much as possible. Eating just before bed will not make you heavier/fatter unless its helping you go into surpluss. I ate just before bed during my entire cut and I got under 10% bf so thats not an issue. Its the total intake/calories expended thats important, nothing else. But if you domt usually eat before bed, then start doing it. Add butter to sauces. I know you norrmän like your sandwiches so pile butter on there.