Back Exercises


New Member
I do the following routine.
Squat - x2
Dips - x2
Chins - x2
Milatary Press - x2

For the 15s i find myself almost rushing thru the chin ups and i don't like to have to do that...i usually use bodyweight for 2 workouts then 10 lbs then 20 lbs.. 0 0 10 10 20 20, (since im doing 6 days a week i repeat each workout 2 times.) so i use one weight 4 days in a row for chins, during the 15s. (0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20)

Does anyone have an suggestions as to what should do about this problem?

i was thinking bent over rows, just for the 15s.  Can anyone think of a really good substitute. or does it really matter if ur pace is a bit accelerated to reach the initial set 15 reps. i slow down the second set, and halt when the weight slows down significantly from the intial rep. (chins only)

anyways, that's in advance.

( i don't have access to a pulldown machine as i train at home )
Firstly, what you said doesn't seem to make sense. If you do each workout twice, how do you end up doing 4 sets at 0, 4 sets at 10, etc?

Secondly, try 2 1/2 pound or 5 pound increments.

Thirdly, I do not think that you need 12 workouts for the 15's. 6 should suffice.

Lastly, don't sweat the time under tension too much. It is highly over-rated. If you have to do your chins for 15's at a 1/1 tempo, so be it. Most people can't even do 15 chins. Plus, I like the way you are doing the second set. A lot of people could learn from that.
If there was one thing to add to that routine, for me it would definitely be bentover rows. That is one of the main exercises that is always in my routine. I would keep the chins during the 15s though. I wouldn't worry about repeating weights. I use 0 for chins throughout the 15s and part of the 10s.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ June 27 2005,5:31)]Firstly, what you said doesn't seem to make sense. If you do each workout twice, how do you end up doing 4 sets at 0, 4 sets at 10, etc?
Secondly, try 2 1/2 pound or 5 pound increments.
Thirdly, I do not think that you need 12 workouts for the 15's. 6 should suffice.
Lastly, don't sweat the time under tension too much. It is highly over-rated. If you have to do your chins for 15's at a 1/1 tempo, so be it. Most people can't even do 15 chins. Plus, I like the way you are doing the second set. A lot of people could learn from that.
O & G

if i were doing 6 W/O in the typical m/w/f format. it'd would take 2 weeks to complete 6 of them correct?

but for the M workout i do it on tuesday as well, and the wednesday workout i do it on thursday as well. get it?
I alternate exercises for all body parts - it makes it easier to increment, makes sure I'm covering everything and keeps things interesting.

For my back I alternate chin ups (or lat pull downs to begin with) with machine rows (I'm not too comfortable with bent over rows or one arm dumbbell rows, just a personal thing).

I then add dumbbell pullovers as a stretch point exercise from the 10s onwards,

So in summary, if you alternate with a rowing motion you'll only be repeating weights twice and maybe getting more benefit from using a different exercise too


This cycle I am alternating between chins and single arm rows which give a great stretch. Last cycle I was alternating chins with seated cable rows and was also throwing in wide grip pull-ups as well. I like to change a few exercises each cycle just to keep it interesting and keep my body guessing. Don't forget deadlifts and shrugs as well to finish the back of nicely.
