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OK found some of your logs, I can't find one way back like when you went from 140lbs on up, is there one? If not, how did you train during that period?
I did just basic HST for a long time. Pretty sure I used the Bryan cookie cutter routine for my first few cycles and followed the eating for size article for diet. Then did 5x5 for a while, then other HST variants like DC.
But always followed HST principles no matter what I was doing. I do firmly believe that HST principles are the framework one should always follow. Though I don't SD after every cycle.

My weight is a bit misleading due to my bone density thing, (which lifting has only served to exacerbate that issue) so I weigh more than a similarly sized person.

Re: overhead press and lateral raises - is that a lot of weight? Seems like overhead press loads should at least start to approach bench press loads, I'm not quite there yet.
Admittedly, I do use versa gripps when I do the lateral raises because sometimes the grip starts to give out.
oh wow so you did basic 3x a week HST for a few cycles at first? How much did you gain during that time? (sorry sparked my curiosity big time on this).

OK cool, so always the loading like HST (hst principles)?

Man but still you added 113 lbs???????????????? egads!

250 OHP is that a lot? A little bit!! usually OHP is some percentage of bench for most, not that close, dang. Do you have a letter S on your chest like superman? lol dang amazing.
120 then around 140 when I finally started HST. A little heavier than that currently:

I'm not even counting calories anymore, too lazy for that. I do count protein though but other than that, just eat based on hunger. Seems to be working for me, I'm not really getting fat gains like I used to see when doing official bulking cycles in the past. Strength keeps going up. Things seem a lot easier now that I'm older.

Currently trying to focus on pecs, delts and triceps.

Flat bench - warmups then 305 x 10 x 2
Close grip bench - warmups then 245 x 10 x 2
Overhead press - 245 x 10 x 2
DB lateral raise - 70 x 15 x 2
Pull down - 200 x 15 x 2
DB Pullover - 70 x 15 x 2
Triceps push down - 200 x 20 x 2
Facepull - 200 x 20 x 2

I'll have to figure out something for weighted pull ups since I have no belt and I'm at the full stack for pulldowns. Full stack on push downs and face pulls too but that's metabolic work so not as big a deal.
I suspect my form on bench is putting too much of the load on triceps since I can close grip a relatively heavy load still directly after flat bench. My bench has always been my most garbage lift though. Still not a fan of benching.

DB between the feet/ankle, or load up a backpack with plates - belt replacement.

Squat - 225 x 10, 315 x 5, 405 x 3, 445 x 8 x 3
Leg Press - 495 x 15 x 2
Leg Ext - 255 x 25 +5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Leg Curl - 255 x 25 +5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Calf Raise (using leg press) - 585 x 15 x 2
Weighted Situp/Crunch machine - 140 x 20 x 2

I'm getting kind of tired of doing squats and we only have one rack to do them in. Half the time, this guy who looks like Murr from Impractical Jokers is monopolizing the rack the whole time I'm there. Seems like a good enough excuse to stop doing them. We have a hack squat machine I could use instead but it's a stack loaded machine... too many machines using stacks instead of being plate loaded. I've maxed out the stack on the leg extension and leg curl machines so I'm going to switch to single leg on each then progress from there once I figure out what load to use.

Squat - 225 x 10, 315 x 5, 405 x 3, 445 x 8 x 3
Leg Press - 495 x 15 x 2
Leg Ext - 255 x 25 +5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Leg Curl - 255 x 25 +5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Calf Raise (using leg press) - 585 x 15 x 2
Weighted Situp/Crunch machine - 140 x 20 x 2

I'm getting kind of tired of doing squats and we only have one rack to do them in. Half the time, this guy who looks like Murr from Impractical Jokers is monopolizing the rack the whole time I'm there. Seems like a good enough excuse to stop doing them. We have a hack squat machine I could use instead but it's a stack loaded machine... too many machines using stacks instead of being plate loaded. I've maxed out the stack on the leg extension and leg curl machines so I'm going to switch to single leg on each then progress from there once I figure out what load to use.

Man your too strong for the equipment, I'll never have that 'problem' lol Awesome...

What HST principles are your current program? Do you do blocks of increasing RM's with this?
I'm basically following the myo-reps template (with some small changes) which is more or less an optimization or derivative of HST anyway. So in a nutshell, heavier work that is progressed normally alongside lighter work done myo-reps style (that is also progressed) - however, I only do the myo-reps stuff on certain days. If I'm not feeling it a particular day, then I just do a 1-4 sets of 12-20 reps instead. I've found with myo-reps that I end up doing a lot of what I call "edging" - essentially riding the edge of almost doing too much, so I have to be careful not to overdo it.

For the regular heavy work, I don't stick to specific rep blocks. I just do whatever volume I feel like I can handle that day while continually increasing the loads I'm using. It can range from 2-5 sets of 5-12 reps. Progression ends up being slower than a real HST cycle because I only increase when I feel like it. For example, today I was feeling lazy so I stopped at 8 reps. I also kept the same load as last time. But next time I might do sets of 10 with the same load if I stick with squats. I probably won't increase the load, because I don't really want to. Squats are one of those lifts where shit feels heavy once you get over 315, pretty much no matter what.

The app I use to track my workouts shows me the total amount of weight I moved each workout. Depending on how I'm feeling on a particular day, it can range from 20,000 lbs to 60,000 lbs moved during a workout. I don't really care too much about total tonnage though. I definitely don't recommend everyone playing as fast and loose with things as I do. I generally tell people not to base anything on how they feel and to just stick to their plan. I don't think most people are in tune with their bodies to the point where they can be successful doing things the way I do. It's not just the way my body feels though, my mood is important too. If I'm just fucking pissed off at having to wake up on a particular day, I might only do the heavy work and skip the light stuff, or vice versa.
OK cool, nice setup!

So not sure if you saw, but how much did you gain when you started HST at about 140 something lbs and did a few cycles 'as written'?
The big thing for me is that I've been able to sustain gains, albeit a lot slower as time progresses, for years. Which is exactly what HST promises and seems to be delivering on.
Definitely thinking of the long term is important. Many people change things up way too frequently. Most of those people find themselves looking basically basically the same year in and year out. Ive seen that a lot over the years.
That's why with any big changes to programming, I always give it at least 3 or 4 months at a minimum to see if it's working or not. Ideally 6 months.
Patience is one of the most important parts of this game.
That’s a very common trap to fall into. Every year since I started lifting I have been tempted with so many new/latest training programs. These days the internet and social media are full of fitness influencers pushing their “optimum” program. The best realisation I had was that there is actually no such thing l!

Really loving how HST is principle based and can be flexible with any workout split/routine.
Went ahead and swapped squats out for leg press. At least the leg press is usually unoccupied. Did a bunch of warm ups then topped out at 685 x 10 x 2. Didn't put on knee sleeves til the last set. Pretty sure I could handle a lot more weight if I used the damn sleeves

Calf raise 585 x 15 x 3 just for the heck of it
Leg ext 255 x 25 +5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Leg curl 255 x 25 +5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Weighted sit ups 140 x 20 x 3

I think I can keep going with the leg extensions and curls like this since I'm doing them myoreps style. Just don't feel like switching to single leg for them just yet.
Bodyweight holding steady at 250. Appetite hasn't been as strong lately.