120 then around 140 when I finally started HST. A little heavier than that currently:
I'm not even counting calories anymore, too lazy for that. I do count protein though but other than that, just eat based on hunger. Seems to be working for me, I'm not really getting fat gains like I used to see when doing official bulking cycles in the past. Strength keeps going up. Things seem a lot easier now that I'm older.
Currently trying to focus on pecs, delts and triceps.
Flat bench - warmups then 305 x 10 x 2
Close grip bench - warmups then 245 x 10 x 2
Overhead press - 245 x 10 x 2
DB lateral raise - 70 x 15 x 2
Pull down - 200 x 15 x 2
DB Pullover - 70 x 15 x 2
Triceps push down - 200 x 20 x 2
Facepull - 200 x 20 x 2
I'll have to figure out something for weighted pull ups since I have no belt and I'm at the full stack for pulldowns. Full stack on push downs and face pulls too but that's metabolic work so not as big a deal.
I suspect my form on bench is putting too much of the load on triceps since I can close grip a relatively heavy load still directly after flat bench. My bench has always been my most garbage lift though. Still not a fan of benching.