Bulking for a sensitive stomach.


Im basically having some trouble bulking. I had suffered for a long time with stomach and strange back pains. I eventually did a gastroscopy and they found old ulcers on my duodenum. It had healed but I was still suffering. I received antibiotics to fight the bacteria that causes this. I ate constantly, I drank coffee and I used snus/snuff. I started drinking my coffee white and I stopped using snuff. I was basically symptom free for years....until now. Ive felt it a little bit now and again but this weekend I was in pain. I bought some antacid and it helped a little.

The whole time I was cutting/IFing I never felt it at all. But all this food is really putting a strain on my intestine again.

Im looking for tips on food that is calorie-rich but also not too harsh on the stomach. Has anyone else had the same problem? Im considering eating smaller and more often but I really cant do that at work as I work until Im done with a job then I eat.

Calorie pills? 1000kcals per pill would maybe do the job.
Maybe you just have to ease into it, you cannot go from IF/cutting to bulking with massive meals in a matter of days. It has to be gradually increased so that your body gets accustomed to increased portions. I generally need two weeks to adjust to a bulking phase.
Its been four weeks of bulk and the two weeks prior were an easing in phase where I started eating "normally". However, you may be right, I maybe need to take it easier than I have been doing. I dont want to waste this cycle though by undereating.
Cultured milk products like yogurt, kefir and cottage cheese are great high-calorie foods that are easy to digest. I can drink a quart of Kefir in one sitting. 560 calories, 44 grams of protein, 80 grams of carbs and bunch of calcium too.
If I had a sensitive stomach, I would use these foods for bulking. Meat can be expensive and harder to digest as a bulking protein source, so I would go easy on meat intake, especially fattier meats can give indigestion. Avoid those. Also, anything that triggers acid production for you.

I would imagine green vegetables are easy on the stomach, obviously not many calories though. Maybe fruit? There are a ton of carbs in fruit, can you eat a lot of fruit? Or does that give you indigestion as well?
I don't have a sensitive stomach but I do have to second kefir as a great addition to a diet. I make my own because it's cheaper but it's got a great nutritional profile. Mix in some greek yogurt and some whey, you get a very high protein drink that digests well.
I have ulcerative colitis. It sounds like you have a mild version of either that or Crohn's (large intestine ulcers, small intestine ulcers/holes, respectively). I would definitely recommend seeing a gastoenterologist to get an colonoscopy done on your colon and gut to determine it.

IF your GP doesn't think that's necessary and isn't interested in making a referral (or however it works in your country), then these are the foods I would avoid:

-Caffeine - until you know your limit
-Excess dairy
-Excess fats (they cause the intestines to do a lot more work, physically speaking, and may/will irritate any symptoms you have

Reduce your fibre to a minimum for the moment - until you get a medical diagnosis - and avoid vegetables that tough/rough skins; cucumbers, pickles, tomato skins, potato skins, corn isn't great unless you chew it down properly.

Basically, what all the 'tougher' foods do is stir the crap out of a region that's likely becoming/already is quite inflamed.

I find lean meat, especially beef and pork to be great for reducing symptoms and keeping the status quo.

My personal advice is get to your doctor ASAP, lay everything out, ask them if it's colitis, Crohn's, just inflammation to the wrong food or maybe something you ate that didn't agree with you.

This probably sounds quite dramatic, but believe me, it's better to be ridiculously safe than very, very sorry.
I agree with Alex: First of all go to your doctor.
Having said that.... Digestive enzymes could be worth a try!
Ill book an appointment with the GP and see what she says first. Im not overly keen on a new gastroscopy as Ive done two previously and they are horrible. I was almost crying holding onto the nurses hand like she was my mum and I was six years old! But obviously better to check again so there are no new ulsers.

Until then Ill just try to keep my portion sizes down and try and eat more often. Ive been fine since the weekend. I think it was the bake-off that my daughter and I had that actually triggered it. Cupcake gluttony I think its called. However this pain is not like the usual stomach pains, bloating etc. Its disgusting. The first time it happened I thought I was having a cardiac arrest or the likes.
The only thing caloric surplus is going to give you is fat, I doubt fat is what you're after (unless you're a sumo wrestler). The thing is, calories need to cover your TDEE needs imposed by training and not go beyond that, or else more fat than desirable will get stored.

Weight training is a different story entirely. Studies have shown that properly done weight training can raise RMR by quite a bit for anywhere from 24-36 hours. One recent study, using a mere 12 sets measured a total caloric burn of 700 calories over baseline in the two days after the workout. This can add up quickly.

Stay on topic, rihad. He wasn't asking anything that is addressed by your post. You don't need to hijack someone's thread to post about your beliefs.
totentanz, I believe he said trying to eat more than he's comfortable with gives him health problems, so he might consider eating a bit less and still grow. Muscle gains can probably be tracked on at least a month by month basis, as weight scale doesn't please one's ego on almost daily basis as would be the case when fat-bulking.
Stuff that was already suggested; Doctor (Doc first since as Alex mentioned some of the fixes may actually be the problem), yogurt type products and green veggies. If you're having a hard time with getting enough veggies I find that Chlorophyll is a good supplement. For me it is hard to find a good Chlorophyll but when you do the effects should be pretty notable; more regularity, your stool and farts don't smell as bad and constipation should be a non-issue. Last point is that while veggies are awesome if you don't eat them regularly your enzymes might struggle with raw veggies like cabbage, broccoli, spinach and kale so boil them. I won't go on an organic soap box but try and get as high quality as possible with anything canned being at the bottom of the spectrum.

I don't have ulcers and I'm not a doc so YMMV.
I, obviously, do not know what your specific problem is but am wondering if you have tried over-the-counter tablets such as Prilosic or Pepcid acid controllers? My wife had similar symptoms and Prilosic cured it right up. She has to stay on those pills but it is a cheap enough fix.
Ive been using omaprezol for a few days and it seems to be helping. I think my problem is that when I start bulking I eat whatever I want whenever. I think if I can keep all the "excess" to a minimum Ill keep it under control. Im waiting on a time for doctors appointment.

Rihad: I appreciate youre offering a solution, thanks. I really dont mind putting on fat this bulk. I still look Good at the higher BF and I know I can cut down to single figures when its time.

Thanks for the input everyone. Its gave me some stuff to ponder.

First of all, I want to make clear that you should be under anaesthetic/sedative (one of them, I think it's the former though I could be wrong) for a colonoscopy. It's a a camera going up your butt and all the way through your intestines. Doing that awake would be pain I can't imagine.

Second of all, OTC meds are things I would leave to let your actual symptoms show through for a doctor. Just my $0.02.

Third, if all you need is calories then eat potato chips.

Fourth, reminder to go see a doctor - and ask them about colitis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's.
I, obviously, do not know what your specific problem is but am wondering if you have tried over-the-counter tablets such as Prilosic or Pepcid acid controllers? My wife had similar symptoms and Prilosic cured it right up. She has to stay on those pills but it is a cheap enough fix.

For me it's the opposite, HCL tabs works really well, especially when I'm "over eating".
I've had colitis for 13 years suffered badly for first few years and once even went to 11 stone from 16 in short space of time.

Have pretty much been symptom free since adding loads more veggies to diet(used to live on chicken and rice).

also I do a lot better with a higher % fat in place of carbs.

I try to restrict most white based carbs and also have days with higher fats and lower carbs. I feel more energised on those days and have less digestive issues.

I think fasting is good to give your digestive system time to R&R.

my problems come if I hit white carbs too often. I try to get most carbs from fruit and veg.

paleo diet is good for digestive issues imo.

re bulking: paleo bulking is v tough. Nuts , fatty meats, oils are good ways to bump up cals
Ive been reintroducing more veg to my diet now. Ive been trying to avoid processed carbs altogether. I agree regarding the white carbs symptoms and also if I completely stuff myself to the brim and it takes an awful lot for me to reach that point. If I can just eat "fairly" sensibly I should be fine. Havent yet made it to the doctors though.

I´ll be sticking to the same schedule when its time to diet although the paleo way does actually sound quite feasible and tasty.
Yeast (ala yeast products) can have varying effects. you'd 100% know if you were gluten intolerant, so don't fall into that convenient 2000's self-diagnosis crap of everything thinking they're gluten-intolerant and rushing to buy gluten-free.

Get to your doctor faster ;).

I would still avoid vegetables that have tough skins/husks. Either that or cook the **** out of them, as "anti-vitamin" as the 1990's movement might find that.