Burn the fat feed the muscle


New Member
Im sure you have heard of it because it shows up pretty early on a google search. As I was reading it I thought it was another gimmick, but what caught my attention is as I did a search for customer reviews on this book I didnt find one bad review about it. Some are calling it the best fat loss book out...So im thinking maybe its worth the $40.

Has anybody read it? Here is the link

My guess is that if youre a BB'er, you should expect some disappointments:
You probably allready know most of the info.
Your results will be less than the couch potatoe crowd.
It's $40.00!

You may learn stuff in it tho. I just don't trust ads like that, especially when they have a popup cookiemonster on the screen (I didnt clik on it).
BTW, the link won't load unless you remove the / at the end.
Those fat loss results aren't anything special. People who are obese can easily lose tons of fat when they finally start doing things at least somewhat right. For leaner folk, it's more difficult, but still there is nothing magic about it.

Some of the stuff they say on that site is obviously total BS.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
If you've ever started a diet, then smashed into the dreaded &quot;plateau,&quot; it's probably because you cannibalized your own muscle and slowed down your metabolism

No, it's not probably because of that. Metabolic slowdown has nothing to do with muscle loss and everything to do with the hormonal changes in the body caused by a hypocaloric diet. That's why it is recommended to eat at maintenance for a short period when your weight loss stalls out. Or at least do semi-frequent refeeds to help prevent metabolic slowdown.
If this guy is going to make a statement like this, it's obvious he doesn't know what he's talking about.

but wait...

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
The tiny handful of natural bodybuilders who have learned how to use training and nutrition science to alter body composition without drugs are the only people in the world who keep their fat loss and muscle gains permanently. Now you can learn these fat burning secrets from a natural bodybuilding champion who knows from real-world experience exactly how it's done.

Uh, afraid not pal. No fat loss is permenant, so you'd have to be a retard to say something like that. Fat loss has to be maintained. You can't just start eating whatever you want and expect the fat to stay off, I don't care what they say. We all know you have to maintain your state of leanness if you want to stay lean.

I also like how he turns the whole natural BBer thing into an &quot;us vs. them&quot; type thing. Like being a natural BBer means much. Most naturals have used steroids in the past or else they use everything they can that is still legal in competition, which can include all kinds of non-steroidal drugs.

This guy wants you to listen to him because he is a natural bodybuilder who has tried everything under the sun. Well... if he was smart, he would have did some research and then he wouldn't have had to try everything, now would he?

If you want something based on science instead of 'bro-telligence' like this guy is using, what I recommend are the books by Lyle McDonald. I've had solid results from his stuff and I didn't have to TRY EVERYTHING!! to get those results. I won't tell you anything to make you feel better like &quot;dood you'll get huge&quot; or &quot;the fat loss is permenant&quot; in fact, the diets I recommend are definitely tests of willpower - but no diet is easy.
Go to http://www.bodyrecomposition.com and look around.
Okay, to be fair there are some things I agree with this guy about - for instance, yes the supplement companies are trying to rip us off. But unless you are a total newbie to dieting AND to weight lifting/general fitness, then you won't find much use in this book.
For every person that will see this a think &quot;rubbish&quot; there are a hundred suckers waiting to spend their money to learn the &quot;secrets&quot;. Remember, 99% of people are searching for the easy way to do anything.
I actually read the book a few years ago when I was getting back into lifting. I have a martial arts background and short of lifting in college, I hadn't lifted since...so I poked around looking for info when I stumbled across his ebook.

For me coming back into lifting, it has a lot of good stuff. For those of you that already know all there is to know about nutrition, workout routines, body types, ect., you probably won't find anything new.

For someone interested in getting into lifting who doesn't know a lot about nutrition and wants things explained in detail, it's a good ebook.

It is a dry read though.

If you have any specific questions about what's in it, feel free to ask.
