Dear Ruhl,
Replying in specific:
1. I have read take 1g/kg bodyweight of carbs after a workout and again 1 hour after that. This seems low for a bulking diet. I have more carbs than that during my other meals throughout the day. Wouldn't it be more like 2g/kg?
>>>>> 1g/kg is plenty, depending on heavy you are. I weigh 110kg now, and if I went by the rule of 1g/kg that would be 110gm of carbs post workout. I don't think any of us here takes that much carbs post-workout unless we have severely depleted all our muscle glycogen. Even then, I think 110gm is more than enough to fill them up, certainly 2g/kg (220gm carbs) would be an overkill. Post workout, take anywhere between 20 - 50gm of dextrose with your shake. If you have a solid meal, certainly a cup or two of rice, pasta or whatever high GI carb would suffice for glycogen replenishment. If you are on a bulking diet then overall calorie intake would supercede any such post-working refuelling guidelines. Thus, if you are on a bulking phase and have divided 5000 calories over 5 meals, then it's 1000 calories per meal. In this context, 2gm carbs per kg of bodyweight doesn't seem too far fetched.
2. Also, why only 15g protein pre-workout?
>>>>> Have you confused this with 15% of calories coming from protein when bulking? Since you are bulking, it makes no sense to take more protein than that because protein excesses spill-over to increase thermogenesis which is counter-productive to bulking. Work out what 15% of your calorie intake from protein represents then spread this over your meals, taking such protein in-conjunction with your carbs and fat.
The HST FAQ does elaborate on what to eat and how much to eat, so it might do you good to peruse that section again.
Godspeed, happy bulking and happy HSTing