cluster HST and 912 Hst


New Member
Cluster Hst and 912 are the popular Hst routines in Germany have you ever heard of them?

If yes what do you think about them?

If not J will explain them to you, if you want!
912? Never heard of it.

Clustering, yes we've heard of that.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ June 09 2005,6:52)]912? Never heard of it.
Clustering, yes we've heard of that.
I was just thinking the same thing - what the hell is 912?
it is called "912" because of a 9 days SD and 12 days of (everyday-)workout.
Combined with a caloric deficit it is supposed to be great for cutting and maintain muscle mass.
It's funny because i just started with "912" this week to try out.
Well, let's see how it works :)
That seems like an awful small amount of time actually lifting. You could lift for many more weeks, thus having alot more time to cut.
Gotta love online translators

"912: optimized for the Diaet

This elevator control plan is optimized for the Diaet. Not however for the last fine cross section or for slow parliamentary allowance after the slogan "sustainable development". 912HST is created the absolute sledgehammer method, for people, which larger quantities fat in as short a time as possible loose will want. Who has already desire to wait for months for its wash board belly?"

You can get the idea though.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I was just thinking the same thing - what the hell is 912?

cutting routine

a lot of hard work

I mean that a lot of I think more then 1,5 hours in gym every day
for 12 days then 9 days of SD
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Lance @ June 10 2005,5:24)]That seems like an awful small amount of time actually lifting.  You could lift for many more weeks, thus having alot more time to cut.
What's weird is that ilfacell and I (well, almost entirely him) came up with an idea like 912 almost 2 years ago (literally two weeks on, 7-9 day SD). For the record, it actually works pretty well, from what we can tell.
Well I like clustering as a form of variable control and being able to lift more than the specified RM, but as to the European version it's a bit more complicated than need be.

912, makes sense but I agree with Lance, since cutting is usually more prolonged than merely 12 days why would you just load for 12 twelve days, I think a 9-0-28 plan would work better. (days SD- Every Other Day WO-for 28 days) The stimulus would carry over for every other day, and 8 weeks would do it.

In other words HST baby.
What about training for 4 weeks only, 2 weeks of 5's and then 2 weeks of negatives for a cutting cylce, no metabolic work, and use a VLCD or PSMF diet with carb intake timed around training only if you have a significant amount of fat to loose? Am/pm split routine using an every other day frequency, and focus on the compound lifts only. 9 day SD with a maintenance calorie level, then start over again for 4 weeks starting with the 5's again unless your joints are hurting.
I'll go ahead and do a translation of this. (I did a translation of Cluster HST a while ago, and will probably put in the next major document revision for reference.)

A few years ago, Zack did a variation of ABCDE using the system, and he got good results with it. Anyway, I'll see if I can hook up a scenario whereby somebody can do something like this. After the 912 is translated.

Translating the 912 site, it appears they are making the assumption that the loading schedule can counteract undernourishment (diet) by upregulating protein synthesis via load and limiting the overuse of Amino breakdown by only working out for 12 days.

This is not very different from what Bryan has said about not SD'ing in the case of severe calorie cut and it's using realtively the same reasoning. My question is why SD at all, and why up the workout schedule? This in my mind would not benefit the cutting BB'er as both would lead to a more negative balance.
I was looking around the forum on the German myogenic site. Haaaaa
Their questions are the same as ours: "my new HST plan" ,"pain with dips", "why do you guys warm up?", Here is what "The old question: Is a pump really important?" looks like in German

~ Die-Pump-wichtig-oder-nicht-Frage!

I quess all this stuff is universal

Herr Evans
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What's weird is that ilfacell and I (well, almost entirely him) came up with an idea like 912 almost 2 years ago (literally two weeks on, 7-9 day SD).  For the record, it actually works pretty well, from what we can tell.
how was your diet with that? (i.e. how many calories)
Do you think caloric intake around your "BMR" make sense with that kind of training?