4+ week experiment time!
I'm feeling great, so instead of continuing with what is working, I want to mix it up. We were out of town for Labor Day, so I ended up taking a week off from training.
Even though my weight has been stuck at 205 lbs, I want to bump calories up for the next month or so.
Weights lifted aren't high yet (225lb x 5 for deficit RDL from the floor, etc), but I keep slowly increasing month to month. Basically, a slow, but easy progressive overload. I think I'll be hitting some life-time PRs by this spring or summer.
Based on reading through some of mickc1965's training log (amazing, it's a decade long!):
Cycle Summary
12 March Starting weight was 178lbs - Finish weight is 183.8lbs so increase of 5.8lbs
Caliper Readings
JP3 (7.8%) & JP4 (8.31%) suggests that all increase is lbm with fat the same
JP7 (7.8%) & Parillo (7.44%)
suggests lbm is up 6.8lbs and fat down 1lb
DW (10.84%) suggests lbm up 8.8lbs with fat down 3lbs
In saying that I am nowhere near 8% BF and based on DW cannot see how can lose 3lb of fat with a gain of nearly 6lb in total body weight - the overall skinfold measure based on the 10 sites for all equations is a better yardstick but even that reduced from 61mm to 55.5mm.
Based on all the above is it likely that 6 x full body workouts per week can reduce body fat levels in a calorie surplus diet? Lets see what the next cycle brings after SD (only 3 days in and itching to start training already)
I'm going to run ~5-6x week full body HST progression + DUP rotation.
A few of my rep maxes are complete estimates (haven't done stuff like cable bench press in a while, etc). So, I'll increase the weight slightly or the reps on stuff like that workout to workout. For example, on the high rep days, once I go up in weight, I'll hit ~20 reps for the activation set the first workout, then ~25, then ~30 (estimated as wanting to stay 3+ RIR) before increasing the weight. Also, my cable machine is in 10lb increments per side, and I haven't ordered
https://gym-pin.com/collections/gympins yet.
"DUP it up"
Each workout gets the normal 6 weight decreases working back from the 6th workout. So, the first two weeks should be easy going. Assuming 6x frequency, the cycle should last 3 weeks, plus I'm going to continue it until I stop either increasing the weights or reps workout to workout (or run out of gas). Ideally, this is a 6+ week higher calorie blast!
Ideally 6x week, but the plan is a minimum frequency of 4x per week though. I'll be out of town next week for a few days for a kid's tournament, so I'll just use whatever they have at the hotel gym. Those will likely be higher rep days.
I also stumbled across a Reddit comment by Nuckols (regarding RIR):
I think this is a useful meta-analysis to help understand these concepts:
Going a bit closer to failure generally leads to a bit more hypertrophy per-set, but that doesn't imply that you need to go super close to failure to achieve hypertrophy. Like,
the effect size at 8 reps from failure is about half the size of the effect size a 0 reps from failure. You need to get within a couple reps of failure to maximize the hypertrophy stimulus per set, but
you do still get a hypertrophy stimulus with more RIR. You just probably won't grow quite as much if you do the same number of sets (but, you could also just do more sets to get a similar stimulus),
And for strength, there's not much of a relationship at all between proximity to failure and strength. It's worth nothing that that's based on studies that last for (typically) <16 weeks, so I wouldn't necessarily extrapolate that out indefinitely. I do think that if you're not going close enough to failure to achieve hypertrophy, that'll limit your strength development long-term, but it's not a major factor at all in the short-to-medium term.
My half-baked understanding and thought process:
1) The first two weeks are easy (or should be easy) training, but it should elicit
some slight muscle growth, especially taken in the aggregate.
2) More frequency (nearly daily stimulus) = nearly constant MPS = 'mo gainz and 'mo fun (my brain prefers daily training).
3) Frequency is crazy, but weekly volume isn't. Myo-reps are kind of hard to calculate the exact work set equivalent, but assuming 1 activation set + 3 mini-sets = 3 work sets. That's roughly 18 work sets per week. Subtract for the early part of the training since it has a higher RIR (not anywhere close to failure), so I think it should be manageable for a month, plus however long I progress.
I started this morning:
Day 1: 1 myo-rep set of 20-30 reps + 3 mini sets.
Day 2: 1 cluster/myo activation set of 4-6 rep + 3 mini sets. I will likely do straight sets at some point. This seems to be the most fatiguing for me among the rep ranges when paired with myos.
Day 3: 1 8-12 reps + 3 mini sets.
Days off as needed/schedule dictates.
Brackets indicate grouped exercises for warm-ups with 1 warm-up set on the 2nd exercise after the work set for the first exercise. For example, 2 warm-up sets for lat pull down, then 1 for bench. Then the work set for lat pull down. Then a warm up set for bench. Rest, then work set for bench.
Day 1 (High Rep):
I use the belt squat cable attachment for everything except for lat/bench here, so it makes for a quick workout. However, I waited 5 minutes before I hit cable RDL after belt squats today. High rep belt squats = cardio.
[Lat Pull Down |
Cable Bench] |
[Neutral Grip Cable Rows |
Belt Squat |
Cable RDL |
Cable Upright Row] |
[Seated Straight Bar OH Triceps |
Straight Bar Cable Curls |
Donkey Cable Calf Raises] |
I really love belt squats. Get full range of motion without any back strain or flexibility tightness.
Day 2 (Low Rep):
[Single Arm Cable Row (looks like a DB row) |
Barbell Bench] |
[Angles90 Unilateral Lat Pull Down |
Leg Curls] |
[DB Shoulder Press |
Barbell Squat] |
[Tricep Pressdowns |
DB Incline Curls |
Single leg Cable Calf Raises] |
For the calf raises. I have a calf block and use the low row cable paired with the belt squat belt. Kind of tricky to get into, but it works great for constant tension.
Day 3 (Medium Rep):
[Angles90 Cable Rows |
DB Incline Bench] |
[Neutral Grip Lat |
Triceps Rope OH] |
[Slant Board Back Squat |
Deficit RDL from Floor] |
[Cable Lateral Raises |
Unilateral Cable Curls] |
Cable Calves] |
I really love the Angles90 handles. I get a better grip than normal attachments.
Exercise selection and order are a little wonky/imperfect, but they're largely based on how easy/difficult it is to arrange my equipment without having to move stuff around a ton.
Feel free to give me heck if I don't post an update within 6 weeks! That should be sometime in mid October.