Confused... Two groupings vs. One


New Member
The HST calcultaor has 6 slots for each exercise per rep phase apparently for each of the 6 workouts done during that rep phase BUT, in the FAQ it says that you should have two exercise groupings that you would alternate every workout but in that case you would only be able to perform 3 workouts per rep phase. So what gives? Do you increase the weight twice as fast everytime you do the same exercise? Or do you increase it at the same rate but over two rep phases..but then youd end up with less than your RM for the second rep phase. Please help.
Hello Ironman :)

1.) No, you don't have to alternate exercise groupings, or have different exercise groupings at all. That was just a sample.

2.) The HST calculator isn't very flexible and assumes you do the exercises every workout, that's why it has 6 slots per exercise. So don't use that if you follow a different scheme than doing an exercise every workout. Just increment every time you use that exercise. If it gets incremented only three times, then make sure you end with the rep max, meaning your increments would be larger or you will start with a heavier weight.

Just a tip to save you further confusion: before getting concerned so much with numbers and details, study HST first. When you better understand the principles behind it, you'll know why things were arranged as they were in the basic articles.

Regards and good luck! :)