Dips progression under HST

Hey guys,

I want to include dips in my routine (instead of Bench).

Since I bulked quite a few pounds over the last weeks my 5RPM for dips is BW + 10 lbs plate.
How can I implement the principle of load progression with dips? Starting at bodyweight would sure be more than 60-70% of 5RPM. (I'm aware bench press progression would be easier to apply)
- Increase reps while keeping load constant
- Using some assistance (feet on chair or something)
- Only negatives at the beginning, then entire movement, then added weight

Any ideas?
Ideally you would use an assisted dip machine. However, if that is not available, I would use a chair during the 15s to make them easier, then ditch that once you hit the 10s and just do bodyweight until you get into the 5s.
I'm a little late to this but was looking for solutions for the same issue, I want to include dips and chin-ups but can't crank out 15 of either. My wife has some of those elastic bands and I'm going to try holding the ends and have them support some of my weight that way. If you got several thin ones, you could start with say 5 straps and drop 1 each workout or every other to give a change in resistance.
Just do as many as you can, it doesn't have to be exactly 15..

It was same with me for chins, I could only do 6-7 @ BW when I started with the 15s, but until I finished the 10s it was exactly 10, and at the end 5RM was BW+10kg.
Thanks, I'll see how it goes as before I was up to the 10-12 rep range, as well as 5 reps at +60# when I did chins regularly. Elbow tendonitis from too much volume has left me with some soreness for a year now. I'm hoping assisted by bands will limit the strain and the soreness won't be an issue; HST is appealing due to the 15s and related connective tissue recovery for this reason.