Hello everybody.
Short introduction, since it is my first post here(Been a member since 2008). I have training for a total of 8 years, having spent 4 of those years with powerlifting. Now I am back to training purely for hypertrophy, using HST principles for the last 1½ year.
Now back to the actual subject:
I stumblede upon this article at t-nation.com
<a href="http://www.tmuscle.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance_bodybuilding/what_speed_of_movement_should_i_use" target="_blank">What Speed of Movement Should I Use?
And I found this paragraph especially interesting..
Australian biomechanist Greg Wilson did some great research in the 1990s in quantifying the role of the SSC. He found that if you do a conventional bench press with an eccentric or lowering phase that was about a second, it took a full four-second pause in between the eccentric and concentric to completely eliminate the stretch shortening cycle, i.e. if you lower the bar and you rest it on top of your chest for a period of less than four seconds, you're still getting an added boost from all the elastic energy.
The only real work you'll do is during the last third of the concentric movement! If, however, you negated all that elastic energy by taking a four-second pause, you had to work all that much harder — recruit that many more muscle fibers — to lift the bar. All things being equal, this may mean more muscle growth.
So I am asking myself if this should be applied to my entire rep-scheme considering my goals of purely hypertrophy?
The only disadvantage that I can think of would be one's own ego, as the lifted poundages will suffer.

Short introduction, since it is my first post here(Been a member since 2008). I have training for a total of 8 years, having spent 4 of those years with powerlifting. Now I am back to training purely for hypertrophy, using HST principles for the last 1½ year.
Now back to the actual subject:
I stumblede upon this article at t-nation.com
<a href="http://www.tmuscle.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance_bodybuilding/what_speed_of_movement_should_i_use" target="_blank">What Speed of Movement Should I Use?
And I found this paragraph especially interesting..
Australian biomechanist Greg Wilson did some great research in the 1990s in quantifying the role of the SSC. He found that if you do a conventional bench press with an eccentric or lowering phase that was about a second, it took a full four-second pause in between the eccentric and concentric to completely eliminate the stretch shortening cycle, i.e. if you lower the bar and you rest it on top of your chest for a period of less than four seconds, you're still getting an added boost from all the elastic energy.
The only real work you'll do is during the last third of the concentric movement! If, however, you negated all that elastic energy by taking a four-second pause, you had to work all that much harder — recruit that many more muscle fibers — to lift the bar. All things being equal, this may mean more muscle growth.
So I am asking myself if this should be applied to my entire rep-scheme considering my goals of purely hypertrophy?
The only disadvantage that I can think of would be one's own ego, as the lifted poundages will suffer.