Excersise Help and Caloric Intake


New Member
Thanx in advanced for the help. I'm 5'7" 150 pounds. I am in the process of finding my RM's for my second cycle of HST using my 15,12,10,8,6, and 4 RM's

1. I have maxed out my bowflex (only goes up to 310) and that leaves me with no excersises for the legs and traps when I go below beyond the 10RMs (8,6 and 4). Any suggestions for excersises that I can do at home without joining a gym? Or that I could make the equipment myself?

2. During strategic deconditioning, how many calories should a person eat?
1. Might be time to invest in more equipment.

2. I eat just over maintenance for the first 2-3 days, then at
maintenance for the rest of SD.
If you have the space for it I would sell the Bowflex and purchase a power rack with free weights and a bench.  And if you have money left over a set of adjustable dumbells would be nice.
Get a bar and some plates, look for used stuff in the classifieds or garage sales, you can find some great deals. Then you can deadlift and sissy squat as much as you can handle, without any other equipment.
How much would it cost to buy equipment (used) to do leg exersises and trap excersises with. I would really like to use the bowflex until i start college in the fall---they have a full gym =)