Finding out my new RM's after a cycle


New Member
So I just finished my first cycle and decided today to find out my new RM's and it looks like they went up by a good 10-15 lbs even 20 lbs in some instances so I was wondering if I shouldn't use my previous RM's and just add 5-10 lbs to them or use the new ones ?

Thanks !
Take one more workout before you SD and figure out your new RMs. You can either go for an exact 5RM (might take a set or two to find out where it's at), and figure it out that way or work for 1RM (single rep max) and use a calculator to extrapolate your new 5RM that way.
So wait.. you already tested your new RMs and you're asking if you should use these for your next cycle or just add a smaller amount of weight to your old RMs?