Finished First Cycle of HST...need help.


New Member
Hello everyone!
I just finished my first cycle of HST ( 15, 10, 8, 5 + SD )
I had a few problems when during the workout period...

1) What should I do around 5 reps? I am going as hard as I can with DB Presses (70 pounds ) I can do it 5 times, but I don't feel the burn/the tightness in the chest like I had it in 15 reps. Should I do negs/isometric holds and mix it up during that time?

2) What can I do during SD? Can I stretch/yoga/grip training/run?

3) Is it alright to add more exercises to a specific muscle group if you want to work it more?

4) What should I do for warm ups/cool downs in HST?

5) HOw much rest should I take between each set in HST?

6) If I can't complete the set, should I wait and finish it, or go for a lighter weight, or skip?

7) Is it alright to go AMAP/drop set ?

8)What should I do on off days?

I know these may seem to be newbie questions to ask, but I'm very interested in HST and willing to learn more/give back to the community once I become more knowledgeable about this program. For the first time in my life I have finally made big gains ( grew 0.7 on arms ) ( 1.2 on shoulders )

Many thanks!
1) "The burn" is not an indicator of growth. 15's create more pump and fatigue but the goal in 10's and 5's is microtrauma, not fatigue.
2) SD -> do as little as possible, running will work the leg muscles quite a bit, streching I think will be ok.
3) Add more sets to the compound exercise that indirectly works that muscle (e.g. Triceps or Biceps).
4) Warm-up -> 5-10 minutes of light cardio, Warm-up before sets -> take 50% of the weight and warmup with that. Not necesarry during the 15's.
5) 15's should be around 30-60 seconds, 10's around 60-90 seconds, 5's 90 seconds or more.
6) No, you shouldn't wait and finish, just write down how many reps you got and use that info to plan your next cycle. Probably you went over the top on your RM estimates.
7) Drop sets could be done in post-5's as an intensifier, but I really don't know....
8) Eat and sleep.
BTW rest between sets is very subjective.... for larger muscle groups you need more rest, for example, doing max deadlifts or squats @ 5 RM could take 3-5 minutes to recover from.
BTW rest between sets is very subjective.... for larger muscle groups you need more rest, for example, doing max deadlifts or squats @ 5 RM could take 3-5 minutes to recover from.

Bingo. This is why I hate giving people specific times for rest. The correct amount of rest time between sets is however long it takes you to be able to rest to the point where you can complete all reps in the subsequent sets. This requires you to become familiar with your own body so you can gauge this on your own and adjust as necessary on the fly.
Read the eBook at the top of the forum, or search the forum.

It's where you go heavier than 5RM, using one technique/method or another.
Hello everyone!
I just finished my first cycle of HST ( 15, 10, 8, 5 + SD )
I had a few problems when during the workout period...

1) What should I do around 5 reps? I am going as hard as I can with DB Presses (70 pounds ) I can do it 5 times, but I don't feel the burn/the tightness in the chest like I had it in 15 reps. Should I do negs/isometric holds and mix it up during that time?

2) What can I do during SD? Can I stretch/yoga/grip training/run?

3) Is it alright to add more exercises to a specific muscle group if you want to work it more?

4) What should I do for warm ups/cool downs in HST?

5) HOw much rest should I take between each set in HST?

6) If I can't complete the set, should I wait and finish it, or go for a lighter weight, or skip?

7) Is it alright to go AMAP/drop set ?

8)What should I do on off days?

I know these may seem to be newbie questions to ask, but I'm very interested in HST and willing to learn more/give back to the community once I become more knowledgeable about this program. For the first time in my life I have finally made big gains ( grew 0.7 on arms ) ( 1.2 on shoulders )

Many thanks!

What was your diet like on this cycle? Was you in a surplus?