This is my 1st post in here, after reading a bunch on the forum, ebook and the articles. I still have a bit of confusion about certain things and would like to hear some opinions on them.
First a closer look on my experience with bodybuilding: I'm 27 years old, 6ft, 170 lbs, 14% bodyfat. Fairly athletic but want to get more buff and eventually as ripped as possible somewhere in the 185 lbs, 8-10 bodyfat region. Been doing it since the beginning of this year, was always an athlete and did a bit of weightlifting but not really that serious, which probably rings a bell to most of us.
I've had some decent gains with a fullbody and upper/lower split, but HST got me really enthusiastic about putting on some decent mass not necesseraly accompagnied by strength gains. My previous routine had a fair amount of volume, somewhere around 14-20 sets/ muscle group. That's why I chose a bit more sets/ muscle group in my HST routine. It goes something like this:
Squats or Sumo Deadlift: 2 sets
Romanian Deadlift or Leg Press: 1 set
Bench Press: 2 sets
Incline DB Press: 1 set
Dips: 1 set
Bent Over Rows: 2 sets
Lat Pulldowns: 1 set
Seated Cable Rows: 1 set
DB Shoulder Press: 1 set
Upright Rows: 1 set
Bicep Curl: 1 set
Triceps Pushdown: 1 set
I switch up my leg days every workout.
One thing I noticed going on in the forums is a lot of people put more sets in there as reps decrease to keep about the same volume, even though it's clearly stated in the articles that volume is decreased because intensity increases with the 5 reps. Also, you get a bit more volume in than just the 5 working reps because you need to have 3-4 warm up sets in contrast with no or 1 warmup set in the 15 and 10 rep range. Workout will go way past an hour if the volume increases in the 5's and rest time takes longer. What's the reason so few people stick to the basic program?
Secondly I really like doing dips but my gym doesn't have a weightbelt (going to switch asap). How can I still incorporate them in my program? Maybe increase the volume towards my rep max? But what about the other rep ranges?
Any feedback on the program will be much appreciated. Can't wait to start. I hope to learn a lot and share my experience on this forum so other's could learn from me as well. In the mean time good gains everyone!
This is my 1st post in here, after reading a bunch on the forum, ebook and the articles. I still have a bit of confusion about certain things and would like to hear some opinions on them.
First a closer look on my experience with bodybuilding: I'm 27 years old, 6ft, 170 lbs, 14% bodyfat. Fairly athletic but want to get more buff and eventually as ripped as possible somewhere in the 185 lbs, 8-10 bodyfat region. Been doing it since the beginning of this year, was always an athlete and did a bit of weightlifting but not really that serious, which probably rings a bell to most of us.
I've had some decent gains with a fullbody and upper/lower split, but HST got me really enthusiastic about putting on some decent mass not necesseraly accompagnied by strength gains. My previous routine had a fair amount of volume, somewhere around 14-20 sets/ muscle group. That's why I chose a bit more sets/ muscle group in my HST routine. It goes something like this:
Squats or Sumo Deadlift: 2 sets
Romanian Deadlift or Leg Press: 1 set
Bench Press: 2 sets
Incline DB Press: 1 set
Dips: 1 set
Bent Over Rows: 2 sets
Lat Pulldowns: 1 set
Seated Cable Rows: 1 set
DB Shoulder Press: 1 set
Upright Rows: 1 set
Bicep Curl: 1 set
Triceps Pushdown: 1 set
I switch up my leg days every workout.
One thing I noticed going on in the forums is a lot of people put more sets in there as reps decrease to keep about the same volume, even though it's clearly stated in the articles that volume is decreased because intensity increases with the 5 reps. Also, you get a bit more volume in than just the 5 working reps because you need to have 3-4 warm up sets in contrast with no or 1 warmup set in the 15 and 10 rep range. Workout will go way past an hour if the volume increases in the 5's and rest time takes longer. What's the reason so few people stick to the basic program?
Secondly I really like doing dips but my gym doesn't have a weightbelt (going to switch asap). How can I still incorporate them in my program? Maybe increase the volume towards my rep max? But what about the other rep ranges?
Any feedback on the program will be much appreciated. Can't wait to start. I hope to learn a lot and share my experience on this forum so other's could learn from me as well. In the mean time good gains everyone!