Gained Only Fat : What Went Wrong?


New Member
Hye guy.

In the last 4 mounths of training with the HST program i gained an avrage of 1.1 KG.
Fat 0.5-0.7 KG
Fat free mass (ffm) 0.4-0.6 KG.

This month gained 0.9 KG
Fat 0.9 KG
Fat free mass (ffm) 0!! KG.

Im so upsate right now :(
The worst part is i dont understand what went wrong.
The last 4 weeks i did the 5RM block (2 WEEKS) and 3RM block (2 WEEKS).
My diet was the same as allways.

What do you think went wrong?
A similar thing has happened to me using HST. I would also like to know how to solve this issue. Is HST really the best program for muscle size?
1. That scale is not accurate, not even close to accurate. Calipers are the only reliable measure unless you want to fork out $600-$1000 for a dexa scan.

2. Please provide more information about your diet, pre and post starting weight etc. Waistband changes and mirror-test.
What Jester said. Bodyfat scales are good for amusement purposes and that's about it.

Even if you weren't lifting, it is basically impossible to gain weight and have that be only fat and no lean mass. Unless you have a medical condition.
I understand what you all saying.
But don't you think that if we consider the standard deviation and the fact that the scale was consists all ways, that i should take it as a warning call?

My diet is divided to day with workout and day off workout

With workout (400 calories above maintenance) [sunday,Tuesday, Thersday]
Protein 40%
Carbs 45%
Fat 15 %

Without Workout (300 calories above maintenance) [Monday,Wednesday,Friday]
Protein 50%
Carbs 20%
Fat 30 %

On Saturday its slimier to a "With workout" day

9.1 8.9 8.8 8.7
67.4 66.5 64.2 63.2 Body wight
9.4 KG 8.5 KG 7.9 KG 7.3 KG Fat mass
14% 12.70% 12.39% 11.50% Fat percent
58 58 56.3 55.9 Lean mass (ffm)
That is easier to read
P.S im 164cm


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Assuming you are wearing the same / similar clothes when you are being weighed and always before your workout?
Why would you assume the scale is consistent? Is your water weight always the same? Do your muscles always have the same glycogen content? Do you use the scale at the same time of day every single time and did you consume the exact same diet each time, as well as take in the exact same type and amount of liquids? If not, then there is no reason to believe the scale is consistent. The technology required to scan your body and determine what is fat and what is not costs thousands of dollars and is not something you are going to find at your gym. Get some calipers and learn to do a 3 site measure so you at least have something semi-reliable to work with before you even start worrying about what ratio of your weight gain is fat.

As I stated, unless you have a serious medical issue or a hormone problem, gaining ANY weight at all will NEVER result in no fat free mass gain. Your body has to put on some lean mass in order to support any fat you have gained. Remember, fat free mass doesn't just mean muscle. It means anything that isn't fat. There is no magical form of fat that does not require anything from your body in order to exist.

Why are you cutting calories back on non-workout days? Growth occurs after the workout, not before. Unless you are lifting first thing in the morning on workout days, you need to increase the calories on non-workout days. If you must cycle calories, cycle them around the workout, not the day. So eat more the 24 hours after lifting, then for 24 hours before the next workout, trim them back.

Also, don't make the mistake of being paralyzed in fear of any fat gain. Fear leads to the darkside and all that, which in this case the darkside means being small and weak.
OP, if it helps you I have one of these scales at home, actually broken. When it was working used to show me with 24-25% of BF even when calipers showed 12-13% and I Could easily see a 4-pack abs.

These equipments are junk. Buy calipers. I have three of them, very useful.
Same time, same cloths, same food.

I assume its pretty consist because from the starting point it made since.
increase off 0.5 fat percent and 1 KG of body wight.

So basically you saying continue the same way and don't take is as a warning call.
Im buying a caliper first thing tomorrow morning
As others have said, measurement is only as good as the instrument used. Consider finding a nutitionist who will do you for some bucks or alternatively get a calliper and learn to self-measure (though a professional will always be the best option). Even with a nutitionist, there is always a 1-2% margin of error.

Don't fret over the results, just use this as an oportunity to get better reads.

Why are you cutting calories back on non-workout days? Growth occurs after the workout, not before. Unless you are lifting first thing in the morning on workout days.
There is apparently evidence that suggests that protein synthesis is only increased for 12 hours in advanced lifters. Probably not an issue here but good to know for others reading this post.
There is apparently evidence that suggests that protein synthesis is only increased for 12 hours in advanced lifters. Probably not an issue here but good to know for others reading this post.

I would consider perhaps three people on this board to fall into the category of "advanced". $hit, I'm stronger and bigger than 95% of posters and I'm not even knocking on that door, other than perhaps deadlift strength.
I was under the impression advanced had more to do with how long one had trained regularly than strength levels.

Edit: I am not extremely strong but I can deadlift bwx2.5, almost dip my own body weight and bench my bwx1.5. I lift over 1000lbs for the big three. Ive lifted regularly(3-6 per week) for the last 12/13 years. I consider myself advanced.
gb, I had seen studies showing 18 hours but not 12. Have I overlooked some newer studies? Just curious as working out 14 times per week is not feasible for me. I tried 12 times per week years ago but used too much volume and it exhausted me.