Gaining-dieting periods


New Member
Hello to all,

I consider doing a cycle gaining (+500 cal) and a cycle dieting (-500 cal). Is this better than always the same caloric intake (let's say + 200 cal or staying at your mainenance)

What would give the best results? (goal to decrease fat and increase muscles of course)

Secundary, I go by bike to work 5 days/week. Is it allright to cycle in the morning without breakfast so you metabolism will directly burn fat because of lack of carbs? Then starting from 8.30hr eating my 3000 calories in 7 portions (85kG body weight).

I'm really looking forward to you reaction.

Are the HSN products also available in the Netherlands?

Best regards,
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I consider doing a cycle gaining (+500 cal) and a cycle dieting (-500 cal). Is this better than always the same caloric intake (let's say + 200 cal or staying at your mainenance)

Most people would advise bulking and cutting cycles like you first stated - I would like to see how this thread goes... since late June I have been eating 300kcal above maintenace and I have had great results. I have gotten past muscle memory via January, so the true testiment of my diet will be shown in the next few months.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
Secundary, I go by bike to work 5 days/week. Is it allright to cycle in the morning without breakfast so you metabolism will directly burn fat because of lack of carbs?

I actually had this question in my head while I was running an hour or so ago. There are a few old posts about it, but they're too tough to search. Generally, I think it doesn't matter - it's all about your caloric balance at the end of the day (intake vs. kcals burned.)

My personal goal is sub10% bf levels, and as of now I am hovering above 13%.

I think that over the long run, doing bulking and cutting cycles will result in more muscle mass than simply eating slightly above maintenance for long periods.

As for biking on an empty stomach - I don't advise it. In the morning, you've already been fasting for around 8 hours, depending on how long you sleep, so doing that would be catabolic. At least get some protein in you first. I would suggest at least a small amount of carbs too. Biking on an empty stomach is not going to necessarily burn fat.
It's not about whether you are hungry or not, but how much carbs are available.

Not eating is just plain nuts.
Ok thank you for the advice. I see I gave you a bit of wrong information as I always drink a protein shake when I wake up. I thought this one is not envolve for burning fat.

So I'm right when I start with a shake and one bread? Do you all think this bruns more fat than without the bread?

Thank you very much!
Bro, you are burning the same amount of calories either way, so in all honesty it isn't going to make much of a difference, if any at all. In fact, personally I prefer cardio after training, but that's just me. In the morning, I wouldn't do any exercise unless I had at least a protein shake and at least 20-30 g of carbs before, just to make sure I had the energy for the cardio, and also so that you don't go overboard with the catabolism.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Generally, I think it doesn't matter - it's all about your caloric balance at the end of the day (intake vs. kcals burned.)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Bro, you are burning the same amount of calories either way, so in all honesty it isn't going to make much of a difference, if any at all.

Okay, that clears my mind up.