gbglifters bulk-log

1st week of 5s. Lower

Squats: 105kgx5+1+1+1+1+2+1+1+3+2
RDL: 90kg 5+4+4+3
Legext: 90kg 5+4+3+3
Seated calf: 90kg 5+4+3+3+3+2

The squats were a kind of hybrid between maxstim and myo. Rest time was between 20 and 30 seconds. The rest was done with myoreps.
I'm gonna throw down and say your calf raises are way below your capability, have you tried using the leg press for them instead?
I alternate seated and standing raise. The legpress would be fine for straight leg raises but ita too awkward using the legpress with bent legs.
I generally load up the seated calf raise more than anyone else at the gym. 90kg might not sound a lot but using that apparatus, it is.
1st week of 5´s. Upper B

Seated rows: 100kg 5+4+4+3
BP: 107.5kg 5+5+4+3
OHP: 80kg 5+4+2+1
Dips: BW+60kg 4+2. BW+40kgx4. BW+20kgx8.
Chins: BW only: 10+7
Cable chest: 100kg 7+5+4

Then 2 sets of abs.

PLeased again today. I did BP earlier in the workout today so I felt strong there, then OHP which was really heavy after BP but I managed the 5 reps on first set. The dips were probably stretching it a bit too far after the other heavy stuff. I might have managed the 5th rep on the first set but I wouldve went to complete failure. I did drop sets but still incorporating myoreps there too. My rest time today was between 10 and 15 deep breaths. Ill be looking for 115kgx5 for BP this cycle and 105kgX5 for OHP.

I seem to have my calorie intake down to a tee. Im losing around 100g per day(1.5lb/week) so really hopeful I can maintain most of my mass whilst retaining a fuller look.
2nd week of 5´s. Lower A

Deads: 40kgx8. 60kgx8. 100kgx6. 140kgx4. 170kgx5+3
Good mornings: 75kg 5+3+3
Legpress: 270kg 5+3+4+3
Legcurl: 86kg 5+3+2+3
Standing calf: 125kg 5+4+3+4+3

Myoreps for all exercises.
2nd week of 5´s. Upper A

Chins: BW onlyx5. BW+35kg: 5+1+1+1+1+1. Chins/OH/BW onlyx10 (1ST five are just 2kg from PR)
BP: 110kg: 5+4+3+2 (equals PR)
CGBP: 85kg 8+6+4
OHP: 85kg: 5+4+1
Bicep zbar: bar+40kg: 9+3+3
Cable chest: 100kg 7+6+4

Then 2 sets of abs.
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2nd week of 5´s. Lower B
90.6kg(under 200lb, 10lb to go)

Squats: 50kgx10. 70kgx7. 90kgx4. 110kgx4. Then drop to 90kg: 3+3+3+3+3 Myoreps (the 4x110kg equals PR but with better form and deeper squats)
RDL: 90kgx5. Drop to 70kgx3+4+3 Myoreps
Legextension: 95kgx5. Drop to 85kgx3+3+2 Myoreps
Seated calf: 95kgx5(PR) Drop to 85kgx3+4+4+3+3+3 Myoreps

I asked my mate to take a picture of me squatting, without weights, to see how far down I went. I havent been going to parallel. So..I used the target weight for today and did the first set, then I dropped so I could execute the remainder of the reps down to at least parallel. Im going to have to test new maxes where Im doing properly executed squats. I shall also be dropping the weight by ca 10% after the initial set for the remainder of the 5´s and continue with myoreps.
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At that load, you don't need it to be Myo Reps, you're almost certainly achieving full recruitment already I would think.
Youre probably right but I enjoy them. Im also able to get in quite a lot of reps at high load in a short space of time. Ie 25 reps for calves would be 5 sets of 5, that would take much longer through the standard set up. Those 25 reps took about 5 mins instead.
Feel like Ive really developed my rhomboids somewhat.

2nd week of 5´s. Upper A

BP: 50kgx15. 80kgx9. 100kgx2. 112.5kgx5(PR). 100kgx3+3+2+3 Myo
OHP: 90kgx5. 80kgx3+2. 70kgx4+3
Dips: BWX4. BW+20kgx4. BW+40kgx1. BW+60kgx4. BW+40kgx5+3+1. BW+20kgx7. Myo. Went to failure on the 5th rep with 60kg.
Seated rows: 115kgx5(PR). 100kgx3+3+2
2 sets of abs.
3 sets of machine lat raises.
Better pic of the whole back. Unpumped condition.


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Better pic of the whole back. Unpumped condition.

We are really close in bodyfat% it seems, and in general height and weight, etc. Your back is looking solid, more lines and definition will come in soon as you lean out. You got me beat in the deltoids and lats. I might have a bit bigger traps, but your back is better overall. Great job with your program.
Thanks mate. I think your abs are looking leaner but Im not sure if youve tensed them slightly. Yeah, your traps are better. My lats and delts have always been decent even when injured and untrained. Youve been putting a lot of effort into deads and racks whereas Ive always focused on chins more.
3rd week of 5´s. Lower A

Deads: 50kgx8. 80kgx8. 120kgx4. 140kgx3. 180kgx3. 160kgx3+2. I tried to get 5 reps @ 180kg but I wasnt feeling strong today.
Good mornings: 80kgx5(PR). 70kgx3+3+3.
Legpress: 280kgx5(PR). 250kgx4+4.
Legcurl: 93kgx5(PR). 79kgx3+3. The first 5 was with the whole stack and all the extra "pegs".
Calves: completely forgot that they exist!

I then did some super-sets between cable bi-curl and machine delt-raise. Around 50 and 30 reps consecutively.
3ed week of 5s. upper A

BP: 50kgx10. 80kgx7. 115kgx5+1+1+1+1+1.
CGBP: 90kgx7+4+3+3+2.
OHP: 90kgx6+3. 40kgx12+5.
Seated cablerows, neutralgrip/ 80kgx10+8.

Then supersetted bicurls, delt raise and abs.

The BP was a PR. All done with myoreps. Skipped chins as I was truly spent!
3rd week of 5´s. Upper B 90.4kg Chins:BWx8. BW+40kg(130.4kg total): 4+1 PR Dips: BWX8. BW+62.5kgx5 BP: 117.5kgx2+1+1+1+1. This was a bridge too far for me today. Squats: 50kgx5. 70kgx5. 90kgx3. 120kgx1+1. PR

Thats me now officially in the 1000lb club. The squat PR was stricter than the previous PR, maybe not full ROM but low enough to count. Happy with the chins and dips too.
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