gbglifters bulk-log

I was ill last week. Had fever for 3 days straight then spent the rest of the week recovering. I was looking forward to eating a lot over christmas but unfortunately didnt have any appetite. I decided to do the 12´s again so I did the "b" workout for lower and upper this week. Ill continue 2 weeks more on the 12´s then when I begin the 8´s Ill start cutting. I weighed in yesterday at 96kg, a loss of 4kg since last week. Thats what empty bowels will do for you weight-wise. I was at 97 again today. Ill spend the next two weeks consolidating my weight and regaining strength before the cut.

Yesterday: Lower B

squats: 70kg 12+12+6
rdl: 55kg 12+12
legext: 60kg 12+4+4+3
legcurl: 65kg 12+5+5
seated calf: 52.5kg 12+5+4+3

Today: Upper B

row sup-grip: 60kg 15+10
seated OHP: 57.5kg 13+12
dips: bw only 15+13+2
BP: 70kg 12+10+3
ab-crunch 80kg 13reps

I noticed a bit of strength loss since the last time I did this workout. Understandable though. Hopefully will be back at same strength level as I would have been at the end of this mini-cycle. Dreadful timing it was!
Lower B, 12´s

Deads: 117.5kg 12+6
Good mornings: 45kg 12reps
Legext: 62.5kg 12+5+4+3 myo
Legcurl: 67.5kg 12+8+5 myo
Legpress: 205kg 12+5+3 myo
Stand calf: 75kg 12+5+4+3 myo

I then did some hyperextensions and crunches.

Weight seems to be stable at 97kg.
Upper A, 2nd week of 12´s

Pullups: bw onlyx12. Chins: bw only 7+4+3
OHP: 55kg 12+5+4
Skull: 45kg 12+5+4
15degree DB: 40kg 12+6
Facepulls: 5 plates 15+15

Then ab crunches and hyperextensions.
Finished off my mini-cycle today. Ive started cutting and am at 95kg now.

Yesterday. Lower B 12´s

Squats: 85kg 12PR+9+6
RDL: 70kg 12PR+7+3
Legext: 70kg 12PR+6. Then 40kgx9
Legcurl: 75kg 15PR+6
Seated calf: 65kg 13PR+6+5. Then 25kgx15

Today, Upper B 12´s

Seated row supgrip: 75kg 12PR+7+5
Seated shoulder: 72.5kg 12PR+7+5
Dips: 125kg total: 12PR+5+3
BP: 90kg 11+6+4 Missed the last rep due to the plate edging out causing imbalance.
Bicep z-bar: 25kg 12+11+6. Just keeping the loads relatively light. I will continue to increase weight and hit 12 reps through the 8´s. Just for forms´sake.
Shrugs: 35kg DB: 12+8

Did some ab-crunches.
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1st week of 8´s. Lower A

Deads: 120kgx8
Good mornings: 50kgx8
Legpress: 210kg 8+8+4
Legext: 65kgx8
Legcurl: 67.5kgx8
Stand calf: 90kg 8+6+4

One set on deads and gm´s. Ill aim for 20reps on legpress and perhaps 15-20 on ext/curl. I was in a rush today so just did one set there. Cutting is going well. Quite slow and steady.
1st week of 8´s. Upper A

BW only: Pullsx8. Chinsx8+4
OHP: 60kg 8+8+4
Skulls: 50kg 8+6
BP: 90kg 8+7+5

Then some weighted ab-crunches and some higher rep tri-work.
My training days have been out of sync due to new year etc so I went in today and did some high-rep work. I used ca15RM loads.

Pulldowns: 3sets
One-arm cable row: 3sets
Face-pulls: 3sets
Cable chest-press: 3sets
One hand cable bicurl: 2sets
One hand cable hammer-grip: 1set
DB side-lift: 1set.

I weighed in at 94kg exactly. Im starting to see some contoures again.
1st week of 8´s. Lower B

Squats: 90kg 8+8+6
RDL: 70kgx8
Legcurl: 72.5kg 8+8
Legcurl: 70kg 8+8
Seated calf: 70kg 8+8+8

3 sets of ab-crunches.
1st week of 8´s. Upper B

Cable row, sup-grip: 75kg 8+8+8
Plate-loaded OHP: 75kg 8+8+7
Dips: Total weight 110kg 8+8+8
BP: 92.5kg 8+8+6
Bicurl, z-bar: 27.5kg 12+7+4
Cable chest press: 3 sets
Pullups: BW only 8+8

It feels like Im still able to keep volume quite high while cutting. Ill wait and see how it feels once Ive dropped a bit more weight. Im going to try and keep my cals abit higher through this cut for just that reason: to enable me to keep volume higher than last.
2nd week of 8´s. Lower A

Deads: 135kgx8
Good mornings: 60kgx8
Legpress: 235kg 8+8+4
Legext: 72.5kg 8+8
Legcurl: 75kg 8+8
Stand calf: 105kg 8+6+4
2nd Week of 8's. Lower B.

Squats: 100kg 5+2 then 4+3. Then 7 partials.
RDL: 77.5kgX8
Legext: 75kg 8+8
Legcurl(new machine): 68kg 8+8+8
Seated calf: 77.5kg 8+8+8

The Squats were REALLY heavy. Dont know if it was än off day or the cut but it wasnt any fun doing Squats yesterday.
2nd week of 8's. Upper B

Cable row/supgrip: 85kg 8+8
Ohp plateloaded: 80kg 8+7. 40kgX11
Dips: bw+30kg 8+8
BP: 97.5kg 7+6. 60kgX18
BTN: 50kgX9 (just to check the movement out)

Kept volume low today. May have to reduce volume now due to cutting. Ill do as much as I feel I can that day.
3rd week of 8´s. Lower A

Deads: 60kgx8. 80kgx6. 110kgx5. 150kgx8(PR)
Good mornings: 65kgx8(PR)
Legext: 75kgx8. 45kgx15
Legcurl: 80kgx8. 50kgx17
Legpress: 260kgx8(PR) then 9 partials.
Standing calf: 115kgx8(PR)

Felt really good today. Was feeling a bit down with my squat strength on thursday. The legpress was heavy as I did ext and curls first as the station was busy, but really glad I managed 8 with full ROM. Ive been against partials as I feel they´re cheating but they really hit the muscles big time. Several sets of press at this stage whilst cutting is too much so Ill just do an extra set of partials agter the main set. Not sure what my weight is at. Didnt want to look today as there were plenty of liquid calories this weekend!
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3rd week of 8´s. Upper A

Chins: BW+25kgx7 and 3/4. BW only x 12.
Military: 72.5kg 7+5. 40kgx14
BP: 100kgx8(PR) 70kgx16
CGBP: 62.5kg 11+10+9
Seated rows/neutral grip: 85kgx10. 65kgx13
bicep Z-bar: bar+32.5kg 12+6
Then about 20 face-pulls and three sets of ab-crunches.

PLeased again with todays performance. The chins were only 2kg from a previous "total-weight" PR. Feel really strong doing BP too. Two more workouts to go then Im onto the 5´s. Then Ill try for a few single PR´S the week after when Im still fairly heavy. Didnt get the chance to shoot for them before christmas. Looking for 210/220kg for deads. 140kg for BP and 90kg for a single military-press. The magic 1000lb is so close!
3rd week of 8´s. Lower B (last legs of the 8´s)

Squats: 100kg 8 then 5+3.
RDL: 85kg 8(PR)+5
Legext: 80kgx8(PR). 45kgx15
Legcurl(new machine): 77kgx8. 40kgx17
Seated calf: 85kg 8(PR)+7+6

Then some sets of weighted ab-crunches.
3rd week of 8s. Upper B.

Seated cablerow: 90kg 8+3+3+3
Seated ohp plateloaded: 85kg: 8+3+2(first 8 is PR)
BP: 105kg: 5+3+3+2
Dips: BW+50kg: 7+3+2
Biceps z-bar: 32.5+bar: 13+5+3

All sets done with myo-reps.

Did 3 sets of facepulls.
1st week of 5s. Lower A

Deadw: 60kgX8. 80kgX6. 120kgX4. 160kgX5+1.
Good mornings: 70kgX5+3+3 myoreps
Legpress: 260kg 5+5+5
Leggurl: 77kg 6+3+3+2 myoreps
Stand calf: 115kg 6+3+3+3+3 myoreps
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1st week of 5´s. Upper A

Chins: BWx5. BW+30kg: 5+1+1+1+1+1 Myo
Seated OHP: 75kg: 8(PR)+4+3+3+2 Myo
BP: 105kg 5+4+3+3 Myo
CGBP: 70kgx10. 80kg: 5+3+3 Myo
Z-bicurl: bar+35kg: 11+3+3 Myo

Then 3 sets of ab-crunches, cable chest and one arm cable rows.

Felt really strong today. The ohp was a PR and I could have done even more. Chins are feeling quite strong. I prefer heavy chins. Ill be doing a PR on them soon!