Another thing: I do not really think it is "straying" at all. As long as you understand the principles and how to follow them, youre good. Just because you use a different exercise each session does not violate this as long as you are covering (roughly) the same area. However, with differing exercises, this is sometimes hard to accomplish. I would recommend to try the big, compound lifts everyday (as dkm stated), as each of those work the maximum area in the minimum time. If and when you realize that there are certain areas these exercises do not develop as well as you would like, then add some isolation exercises to accomidate this. For example, trying to stick closely to the exercises that you have picked, you might try:
Barbell Row
Incline DB Press
Calf Raises
Weighted Crunch or Nelson Situp
There is some excellent material (in addition to the "HST FAQ" material pointed to by dkm) in the "customizing" thread about isolation exercise selection that has helped me much.