I would say yes, most of the food should be in the post WO window. In fact, this is exactly what I do most of the time.
That said, having your amino acid pool high, and your body in an anabolic state pre workout, as fantastic as well, as you know.
But for purposes of cutting in this manner, I think more calories in the post WO window may be better.
What I do for example:
Tuesday is a diet day. Cardio, 250 gr protein, 50-60 gr carb, blah blah. 1500 calories or under.
Wed: I wake up, continue eating as if I'm on the PSMF-diet day mode. I may add one apple to my egg whites in the morning, but still nothing over about 30 gr carbs, hardly any fat.
Pre work out meal is 25/25 protein/carbs, this is what I consider the beginning of the bulk day. Then I give myself about 6-8 hours to hit most of my caloric intake for the day, (very high carb/low fat as of late. in fact its become more of a mini carb load than anything). Then it tapers off into casein based proteins and back into diet mode.
If I work out late in the day, then I just drag on the diet day until my pre workout meal. If I have to sleep, I'll eat until I sleep, and then wake up once or twice and slug some carbs and cottage cheese.
It sounds IFish, but thats no surprise, because the thread that spawned what I'm doing was more or less nkl's brainchild, which replaced the fasting of IF with a protein sparing modified fast.
In my chats with Lyle at his forum, it seems he basically did exactly this years ago, he calls it every other day refeed.
He would do cardio in the morning of his 'bulk' days (MWF), and then eat in a 5-6 hour super high carb window around his evening workout. Diet days were 8 cal/lb body weight, brisk walking only.
He said on bulk days he wouldn't count calories at all, just reduce fat intake to 30-40 grams, and load up (rainbow sherbert, captain crunch, real healthy stuff hahah).