Good Alternative For Pulldowns? (too Weak For Pull Ups)


New Member
Hey guys,

I need to change my workout routine because I have to workout at home (because of Covid).

I can do about 4 pull ups with my own bodyweight – so those are not really an option...

I usually do Bent over rows + pulldowns at the gym. But I can't do pulldowns at home. And I don't have enough weight for Deadlifts.

Any good alternative for pulldowns?
Hey guys,

I need to change my workout routine because I have to workout at home (because of Covid).

I can do about 4 pull ups with my own bodyweight – so those are not really an option...

I usually do Bent over rows + pulldowns at the gym. But I can't do pulldowns at home. And I don't have enough weight for Deadlifts.

Any good alternative for pulldowns?
You could do inverted rows/pullups

If you need to load them you could put a weight on your lap

(See 5th slide for a demo)

Or you could do band assisted pull ups
G'day! Yep, what Browner said I reckon.

Otherwise you can build in progression for pullups in the form of a combination of increasing negatives and full reps (eg start with negatives and increasing those reps, then do full reps and negatives, add reps via rest-pause etc).

Or simply change to another back exercise if possible (purchase DBs for DB rows, BB rows etc)
Just do a lot of rows. I’ve never met someone who could row 120kg+ who couldn’t also do pull-ups.